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Best Poems Written by Michaela Payne

Below are the all-time best Michaela Payne poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Solace of Nature

Sweet light of day drifts;
Pillows of stone rest beneath,
Trees whisper secrets.

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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Epic of Nertz

If anyone has ever played the card game "Nertz" with really good fast players, you will 
understand the words in this poem.

Pressure builds,
Woundings, kills,
Daggers thrown to targets
Marks are hit,
Many are missed,
Passing arrows give me chills.
A starting hush,
A voice makes us rush,
Let insanity begin!

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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Irony of the Fallen

"Irony of the Fallen" What good is a sight To soothe sore eyes, When no one's there to see? Something thoughtful, Helpful to say, And not a soul listening to please. Good advice too late to be taken; Not taken into account. Stars in numbers that inspire, But too many to try and count. The helping hand of a leper. An anchor drags down it's ship. A leap of faith as gravity returns. An epiphany in the midst of a death trip. A mute hero when a word could be savior. Homicidal rage with too many spoons. A feared risk taken, just to die in the try. A dying soul's calls mistaken for happy croons. Sweet irony Why our lives' do you seek? The good that's ours is too often taken By your grasping hands to keep. Sweet, sweet irony Hearts you break in two. Then you turn around and make them laugh. What are we to do with you? The sweet, bittersweet irony Yes, the irony of the fallen.

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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My Stranger Part 1

"My Stranger" There's a man that walks in the ends of my dreams; He never comes into full view. Keep this a secret, my dearest friend, For I will tell no one but you. He's dark, yet calm, and always searching. For what? I do not know. Whatever it is, it must be important. This, his efforts show. From my eye's corner, I see him hide For he knows I'm about to turn. As I do, he escapes my view. This obssession with him burns. At times I feel a fear from him, Though mostly it's respect. He's my villain, my nightmare, the Stranger, And yet it's him I want to protect. He haunts my head at night, And fills my thoughts by day. The contours of his person are not strange. They are much like my own, you could say. The librarian that runs the library of me, Despite my orders, gives him the key. He runs through my soul, Like a child on the loose. With this, his juvenile side, No one can call a truce. My heart in starting position, Waits for the shot of a gun. His eyes fall upon me, And with an urgency, my entirety wants to run. Never prepared am I for his eyes. Yet, his gaze I fervently want to hold. At one time I tried to catch it, But as I did, found I had been too bold. I lost hold. He holds me in the palm of his hand, But, he doesn't know his power. With a flare of emotion, I'd be crushed, And over me he'd tower. With one move, I could break, But, I don't even feel the bend. Yet, in women this falling apart, Is just a becoming trend. So, I won't follow through. I can make it on my own. No matter if my Stranger deserts me, Or gives me a home. Once I was desperate for the knowledge, Of why he constantly sought, The reasons for my every whimsy, My every careless thought. I was trying to fortell when my path, His would cross. Or if it ever would. I know I sound rather lost. Strange as he seems, My stranger dearest, Twisted is he, But his heart is the purest. Dark is he, but calm overrides, Like calm before a storm. Only I see energy, In the face they call forlorn. From my eyes, he no longer hides, As it's me he seeks to find. Yes, it's true, he's in clear view. And, smiling, (surprising?)ever so kind.

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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My Stranger Part 2

"My Stranger" Part 2 - My friend, you think I'm deranged, And right you just may be. But, I just found his prison, And I must set him free. So, let me be as I search for the key That releases the lock on his cell. And, after his bail I'll wait to find If with him I'm meant to dwell. You say it was just imagination, My "Stranger" is not real. I was a mere dream, just a dream, And no sorrow should I feel. Yes I agree, a dream is not real, But, the person I call Stranger is. All I must do, is find the "who" I know, With qualities like his. "Now I must think, and you must go." You turn to me as a smile you show. For unseen reasons my mind now slows. Reminders of him from you give glow. I freeze in time. Deja vu. I try to call you back, But, no sound gets through my lips to you. There was a time when my one wish, Was to help my elusive Stranger. To lead him from his solitude. To shield him from the dangers. But, now my only hope and dream, Is in your thoughts to linger. For you to be happy, And in your joy, to see me ever clearer. You don't yet know what I do now, That you and my Stranger are one. But, if you read the language my body speaks, You would see that my hopes for you supass the distance of the sun. I try to hide it, But if you looked deeply, You would see, There within me, There's a pride for you the burns with intensity. If in my eyes you were to gaze, Just beyond the misty haze, Through all the green hues that are laced, There's an adoration for you that lays, That grows stronger with every hour of my days. Though, I know you'll never look. No, you'll never look to see, These burnings are fed, No matter how deep I push them inside me. So, I take the pain, The heat within, Because you're worth it, Stranger, Dearest Friend. And, to endure, I speak things simple and plain. Better yet, I sit here, think of you, And watch for rain. Rain to cool the flames that dart. Rain to fuel my poet's heart. For water inspires, and writing is art. These words cannot be spoken, For fear that you would hear. But, they cannot be held inside. They would be food for the flames to sear. In place of my tears, these foolish words flow. Onto soggy paper of trees they go. Until the day that you will know, When these words themselves in speech will show. Until that day, only hear will my words flow. My Stranger grows stranger, As he finds he holds my key. Will I be crushed? Or to him will I cling?

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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Why We Are Strong

Discipline in rage
Brings the pain and places blame
Pain on the inexperienced,
Blame on the Protector;
A job often taken for granted.
The stronger were made to shield those too small,
To be a wall against the storms.
Instead, the stronger prove they are,
By stepping on the weaker ones.

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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Are You One of Them?

Are You One Of Them?

You see me; 
And they don't remember.
They know who they think I am;
But you've seen the inner habitat.

The sun is bright,
But hidden from unsighted eyes.
Admission is closed,
I'm safe from their lies.

Sick of hearing,
"My best friend".
It's just a sham;
A meaningless trend.

The so-called friends don't mend,
The break.
My heart, my soul, my love
They forsake.

If I could catch a true one's grace,
To save me from this quickened pace,
We would walk, hand-in-hand,
All eternity.
In a place where we could stay,
Worry no more, sing and play.

Could you be mine?
My true one?
The one to stand beside me?
Or are you them?
Are you fake?
What of mine is left to take?

If your potential,
Capacity to love, 
Is just as deep as mine,
You'll learn to adore, support, hold a hand.
Not quickly will you resign.

I'll be waiting,
In the depths of the free.
I'll be waiting,
Waiting to see
If a wall you are to my enemies. 
If you will be what I want you to be.

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

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April Flowers

(Some of my work from when I was much much younger.)

April Flowers
Sunrise jewels
Glistening on the April pools

When the sunshine turns to fade,
She goes into the sky to wade.

April Flowers 
Sunrise jewels
Glistening on the April pools

Copyright © Michaela Payne | Year Posted 2009

Book: Reflection on the Important Things