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Best Poems Written by Nakang Mashilo

Below are the all-time best Nakang Mashilo poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Because I Live

Quote by Maya Angelou:
"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it."

Because I Live

I can be changed by the storms I face,
But I refuse to let them win the race,
For I am strong, I am alive,
And I will always find a way to thrive.

Because I live, I will not be broken,
By the words left unspoken,
Or the pain that seeps into my soul,
For I am the captain of my own shoal.

I will not let fear consume me,
Or the darkness of the night loom me,
For I am a warrior, a fighter,
And I will always be a survivor.

Because I live, I will chase my dreams,
No matter how impossible they may seem,
And I will carve my own destiny,
With every step, every breath, every memory.

I will love with all my heart,
And never let my fears tear us apart,
For I know that love is the ultimate gift,
And it's what gives my soul its uplift.

Because I live, I will embrace the unknown,
And make the most of every moment shown,
For life is fleeting, and time is short,
And I refuse to let it be a mere sport.

So, let the winds of change blow,
And the rivers of life flow,
For I am here, I am alive,
And because I live, I will thrive.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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The Charm of Simplicity

My love, you possess the charm of simplicity,
A quality that fills my heart with glee.
It's in the way you smile and the way you speak,
That makes my heart skip a beat.

You have a way of making everything feel right,
And bringing warmth to even the coldest night.
With your gentle touch and your loving gaze,
You set my heart ablaze.

Your presence brings a sense of calm,
And makes everything feel like a balm.
You make my life feel complete,
And with you, I feel I can defeat.

You remind me of the beauty in life's simple things,
And the joy that each moment brings.
With you, I find peace and tranquility,
And know our love will last for an eternity.

My love, you possess the charm of simplicity,
A quality that fills my heart with glee.
I am grateful to have you in my life,
And to share this journey as your wife.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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I Love You's I Wish I Never Said

I love you, I said with a heart full of hope,
Dreaming of a future with you.
But now, looking back, I wish I had coped,
With the pain that came into view.

I love you, I said with a heart full of trust,
Believing you'd never let me down.
But now, looking back, it's clear I must,
Have been blinded by my own crown.

I love you, I said with a heart full of joy,
Basking in the warmth of your embrace.
But now, looking back, I feel like a toy,
Used up and tossed aside without a trace.

I love you, I said with a heart full of faith,
Believing you'd always be true.
But now, looking back, I see your wraith,
Haunting me with all that we knew.

I love you, I said with a heart full of pride,
Thinking we were meant to be.
But now, looking back, I see how we lied,
To ourselves and to each other, you see.

I love you, I said with a heart full of hope,
But now, looking back, I see my mistake.
I wish I had known how to cope,
With the heartbreak that was soon to take.

So now, looking forward, I vow to be wise,
And think twice before I say those words again.
For I've learned the hard way that love can disguise,
A pain that can break a heart, my friend.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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Mold Me, My Love

Take me as I am, my love,
And make me what you will,
For I am but a clay to mold,
To shape with your sweet skill.

I offer you my heart and soul,
To cherish and to hold,
To take me to the highest peak,
And make me feel so bold.

Wrap me in your tender arms,
And let our spirits soar,
Together we will reach new heights,
That we've never known before.

Our twin flames burning bright,
With a love that's pure and true,
A bond that's meant to last a lifetime,
A connection like no other, just me and you.

So take me as I am, my love,
And make me your own,
For with you by my side,
I know I'll never be alone.

Our love will grow and flourish,
As we journey through this life,
Side by side, hand in hand,
Through all its joy and strife.

So let us embrace this moment,
And make it ours to keep,
For with you, my twin flame,
I know my heart will always leap.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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Half-Empty Love

Half empty love, a bitter truth,
A tale of pain and love uncouth,
Of relations that failed to last,
Of hearts that shattered like broken glass.

Flipped coins and cents of life,
A gamble that caused us strife,
A love that promised joy and bliss,
Now just a memory that we miss.

We thought we had it all,
A love that would never fall,
But soon it crumbled to the ground,
A painful ending that left us bound.

Back-stabbing and hurtful words,
A love that flew away like birds,
A trust that was broken and betrayed,
A love that died, and memories fade.

Now we're left with half-empty hearts,
Trying to make sense of broken parts,
Wondering if love was ever true,
Or just a dream we once pursued.

But through the pain, we'll find a way,
To love again, and see a brighter day,
To learn from past mistakes and strife,
And find a love that's worth the flip of life.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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Dear Mother

There's so much I wish I could tell you,

All the things that I've been through,

How the boys broke my heart and took me for granted,

And how I let friends pressure me into trouble, though it was not what I wanted.

I know I didn't always make the right choices,

I've stumbled and fallen, silenced my own voices,

But most of all, I wish you could believe me,

When I'm telling the truth, please don't deceive me.

I'm still young, and sometimes childish,

But it doesn't mean that I'm reckless and wildish,

Attention and love are all that I need,

And with your support, I'm sure to succeed.

Thank you for always being there,

For listening and showing me that you care,

You never judged me for my mistakes,

Instead, you picked me up and gave me strength, which makes.

So, as I write this letter to you,

I want to say thank you for all that you do,

For showing me unconditional love,

And being my shining star above.

With gratitude and love,

Your child.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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Eternal Love

Of love that blossoms in the heart's sweet hue,
A tale of passion's bloom that ne'er will fade,
A sonnet of two hearts that beat anew,
Whose love is pure, in truth and never swayed.

The sunlight streams upon their faces fair,
And whispers soft upon the morning breeze,
As they embrace, their hearts entwined with care,
In love's sweet warmth that never fades nor flees.

The starry night skies sing of love's refrain,
And moonlit moments serenade their hearts,
In sweetest harmony, they dance again,
And vow to never let love's flame depart.

Thus let this sonnet sing of love divine,
A love that never ends, forever thine.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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If I Were Your Love

If I were your love, I'd be the air you breathe,
The sunshine on your skin, the rhythm to your beat.
I'd be the whisper in your ear, the one you long to hear,
The warmth in your embrace, the one that's always near.

If I were your love, I'd be your guiding light,
The one to chase away your fears and hold you tight.
I'd be the smile on your face, the laughter in your soul,
The one who knows you best, the one who makes you whole.

If I were your love, I'd be your forevermore,
The one to walk beside you, the one you can adore.
I'd be the one to share your joys, the one to ease your pain,
The one to make you happy, over and over again.

If I were your love, I'd be the promise of tomorrow,
The one to make you whole, the one to ease your sorrow.
I'd be the one to light up your life, the one to set you free,
The one who loves you always, the one you need to be.

So, if I were your love, I'd be your everything,
The one who understands, the one who makes you sing.
I'd be the one to share your life, the one to make it sweet,
The one to love you always, the one you need to meet.

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

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Melancholic Violin

A mournful melody on the violin,
Echoes of a heart that's been broken in,
The strings vibrate with a melancholic tone,
A tale of love lost, forever gone.

Each note pierces through the soul,
A symphony of pain that takes its toll,
The violin speaks with a voice so pure,
A heart-wrenching sound that's hard to endure.

The bow moves gently, with such grace,
And the violin takes us to another place,
A place where sorrow reigns and tears fall,
A place where memories haunt and love stalls.

The notes dance like flames of a fire,
And the violin becomes a true desire,
A desire for a love that once was real,
A desire to feel again, to fully heal.

The violin speaks of a love so true,
Of a heart that's been shattered, feeling blue,
But it also speaks of hope, of a new start,
Of a new love waiting, to mend the heart.

So let the melancholic violin play,
And let the tears fall where they may,
For in its sad and mournful sound,
A new love may yet be found.

Written on 20th April 2023

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023

Details | Nakang Mashilo Poem

I Died

I died, my body now a lifeless shell,
My soul departed, left this world behind.
The end had come, a tolling of death's bell,
The mortal coil unwound, no more to bind.

Yet still my legacy lives on, a trace
Of memories and love that I did share.
A life well-lived, a mark upon this place,
A testament to all who still do care.

And though I'm gone, I leave behind a hope,
That those I loved will carry on my light.
For death's embrace is but a passing trope,
A gateway to a world beyond our sight.

So let me rest in peace, but do not grieve,
For in your hearts, my spirit will still live.

Date: 2023-04-15

Copyright © Nakang Mashilo | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs