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Best Poems Written by Bridgette Kuykendall

Below are the all-time best Bridgette Kuykendall poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Waking Up

i was sleeping to be a beauty
struggling to be a queen
i was carrying the dead weight
of having no self-esteem.

my self worth had diminished
i did not seem to care
all i wanted was his love
i wanted him to care.

i felt sorry for myself
rock bottom i had hit
the new me was outdated
he and i just were not meant.

one day i took a look in the mirror
i vowed to make things right
no more sleeping for affection
i must wake up and first love myself inside.

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

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My Favorite Teacher

You taught me many things...
you taught me patience.
you taught me how to fully trust another.
you taught me that it is not about me all the time.
you taught me how to focus on my flaws-
rather than concentrating on  the idiosyncrasies of others.
From you I have learned so much...
I have learned how to listen first-
instead of intermittingly recepting the things that moved my selfish heart.
I have learned from you that everything must flow as a process;
I should not be so naive to think that all can and will be fixed overnight.
I have learned to stop dwindling on the past in order to embrace and adequately appreciate 
the blessings of my future.
I have learned to use mistakes only as stepping stones-
this has given me the strength to repair my self-esteem and metamorph into a humble being.
I am grateful for your unchanging  love and wisdom...
you have molded me to become this woman who is no longer weak and afraid.
in me, you have instilled the courage to start the next chapter in this book of my life.
you are the reason I no bombard my thoughts with doubt and fears of ever being alone.
To me you have been more than i could have ever deserved...
you are a loyal mentor and a forever forgiving friend.
More and most importantly, GOD you are (without a speck of doubt) the definition of true and 
unconditional love.

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

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Do you love me or love me not?
Is what we have meant to be?
Do you love me or love not ?
Do you truly want to marry me?
Am I the only one for you, or is this all a game?
If it’s I  that deeply love you, would your feelings for me in return be the same?
I do not know your thoughts and I cannot read your mind
but understand our bond is one of a kind.
So, do you love me or love or love me not?
Hopefully your answer is the first and not the latter,
Loving you is so blissful, but losing you is sadder.
Do not leave me alone, for I need  you to be with me
I am confused by whether you love me or not, but I shall stick around to see

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

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Code Blue

my mood swung like an uncontrollable pendulum.
most of my time was spent lashing out at everyone.
the weight of my achingly sad body felt like bricks mortared my back.
the constant wonder of what went wrong filled my everyday thoughts.
it was supposed to be the happiest time of my life, 
yet i felt like i was being punished for something.
my life had turned into this whirlwind of a conundrum;
i didnt know how to put the pieces in place so that the puzzle made sense.
i was so infuriated because no one else seemed to share this pain.
i wanted to hear i was beautiful, 
even if i didnt believe it half the time.
i longed to be happy once again.
it didnt come with stretch marks, morning sickness, or weird cravings-
this trimest, the longest one of them all, came with the baby blues.

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

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Able To Again Exhale

Unearned breath is deposited in to my flesh; I am awake
my eyes are open and are able to view another day.
my limbs allow my walk without crutched assistance,
from my mouth flow my words with no hesitance.
I do not have to stress over food,clothing, or bills,
nor do i doubt any sickness I have, you will heal.
i cannot unerstand why you love me so much
i do not mean a thing without your guiding touch.

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

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Why Me?

Why do you choose to love me wholeheartedly?
Even when I betray your trust, why do you forgive me?
What have I done for you to stick by my side all these years?
you are the only person who has never in life disappointed me.
When I let you down numerous times, you were still there to uplift me.
Since I have known you, you have always kept your word.
How come you cotinuously love me?
I have not earned merely an ounce of your never-changing companionship.
Why am I in that number that you perpetually bless?
What makes me so special?

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

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I cannot name one thing I have done to earn your love.
I cannot even recall a time I did not turn my back on you.
I have disobeyed you by doing things my way.
I went against your word by stealing and judging others.
So what  purpose do i serve by being here?
Why has by life been once again undeservingly spared?

Copyright © Bridgette Kuykendall | Year Posted 2009

Book: Shattered Sighs