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Best Poems Written by Otieno Elvis Gikoi

Below are the all-time best Otieno Elvis Gikoi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Two Souls Entwined

In the realm of love, where hearts reside,
Freedom dances with passionate stride.
Unbound, the souls embrace the wild air,
Their love, a melody beyond compare.

Like birds in flight, their spirits soar,
Through boundless skies, they forever explore.
No chains can hold their fiery desire,
Their love, a flame that will never tire.

Freedom's touch ignites their tender hearts,
Unveiling love's depth, its hidden arts.
In whispered sighs, their dreams take flight,
Two souls entwined, embracing the night.

They chase the sunset's golden trail,
With love as their compass, they never fail.
Through valleys deep and mountains grand,
Hand in hand, they conquer life's demanding land.

Their love blooms like wildflowers in spring,
Unfolding secrets only true hearts can bring.
A symphony of passion, free and untamed,
Their souls ablaze, their spirits unclaimed.

In freedom's realm, their love takes flight,
Guided by starlight, burning bright.
Boundaries shattered, walls torn down,
Their love, a masterpiece of a sovereign crown.

Like waves that crash upon the shore,
Their love surges, forevermore.
Unfettered hearts, unbridled and free,
Two souls entwined, for eternity.

In love's embrace, they find their release,
Their hearts entangled, seeking inner peace.
With every touch, they're set aglow,
Their love, a river that will always flow.

Through storms they weather, hand in hand,
Their love, a sanctuary on shifting sand.
They dance on winds of freedom's gale,
Their love's anthem, a triumph unveiled.

In this world of constraints, they break the mold,
Their love, a story that will be told.
Bound by no borders, they conquer the sky,
A love so free, it will never die.

In freedom's realm, their hearts have found,
A love unbounded, forever profound.
Two souls entwined, their spirits set free,
A love that thrives in sweet liberty.

*_-Otieno Elvis Gikoi_*
*_THE ELO’S????_*

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

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Binary Math Rules

Binary Math Rules.

Let me tell you a tale, my friend,
Of ones and zeros that never end.
A world of binary, simple and true,
With rules to help guide you.

First, addition is easy as can be,
Just like counting, it's plain to see.
Add each column right to left,
Carry over if it's too deft.

Subtraction takes a bit more thought,
But with practice, it can be caught.
Borrow from the next column to the left,
And subtract as you would with the best.

Multiplication is just like adding more,
But with a trick that you'll adore.
Multiply each digit, right to left,
And add them up to get your quest.

Division is the trickiest of all,
But don't worry, you won't fall.
Divide as you would in base ten,
And the answer will come to you then.

And lastly, don't forget the power,
A binary concept that's never sour.
Two to the power of each column's place,
Will give you a number with grace.

So there you have it, my friend,
Binary math from start to end.
Remember these rules and you'll do just fine,
In the world of ones and zeros that shine.

By Otieno Elvis Gikoi

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

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Our Love

Our Love

Our love, like hydrogen's bond,
Is the simplest, yet profound.
Like helium's lightness, we float,
In each other's arms, we bloat.

Lithium's fire ignites within,
A spark that's always been.
Beryllium's strength is our foundation,
A love built with determination.

Carbon's essence fuels our fire,
As we create our own empire.
Nitrogen's breath is in our lungs,
A love that never fails or slums.

Oxygen's embrace is like a kiss,
That fills our hearts with pure bliss.
Fluorine's passion is in our eyes,
A love that never tells lies.

Neon's light shines in our soul,
As we journey towards our goal.
Sodium's presence is always felt,
In the love we both have dealt.

Magnesium's spark has made us whole,
A love that's pure and full of soul.
Aluminum's bond is unbreakable,
A love that's true and unshakable.

Silicon's strength is in our mind,
As we journey and unwind.
Phosphorus's light guides our way,
Through the highs and lows of each day.

Sulfur's heat fuels our desire,
A love that's deep and won't expire.
Chlorine's essence is in our scent,
A love that's pure and innocent.

Argon's stability is in our heart,
A love that's never been apart.
Potassium's spark ignites our soul,
As we become each other's goal.

Calcium's bond is our foundation,
A love that's strong and never shaken.
Scandium's essence is in our will,
To love each other until.

Titanium's strength is in our being,
As we embrace and keep believing.
Vanadium's spark ignites our fire,
A love that's true and never a liar.

Chromium's bond is our connection,
A love that's deep and full of affection.
Iron's strength is in our love,
As we soar like an eagle above.

Nickel's essence is in our trust,
A love that's pure and never rusts.
Copper's spark ignites our passion,
A love that's strong and full of compassion.

Zinc's bond is our commitment,
A love that's true and never indifferent.
Silver's essence is in our purity,
A love that's deep and full of security.

Tin's spark ignites our flame,
A love that's pure and never lame.
Gold's bond is our unity,
A love that's strong and never petty.

Lead's essence is in our loyalty,
A love that's true and never disloyal.
Platinum's spark ignites our soul,
As we become each other's goal.

*_@Otieno Elvis Gikoi_*

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

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Open Word Classes

Open Word Classes

In language there are classes, we are told,
Of words both new and old.
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs too,
And among them, open word classes few.

Nouns, the names of things and beings,
Verbs, actions that give them meanings.
Adjectives, describing how things are,
Adverbs, telling when and where they occur.

But in the open classes, there is more,
Words that keep growing, like an open door.
Interjections, expressing emotion pure,
Conjunctions, connecting clauses sure.

Prepositions, showing position and relation,
And articles, signaling a specific sensation.
These open classes, ever-changing and free,
Reflect the dynamism of language, you see.

For new words can be added with ease,
As culture and technology shift and tease.
And though rules and structure remain,
Open classes expand, our language domain.

So let us celebrate the open word classes,
For they reflect how language amasses.
A rich and diverse range of expression,
For us to use in endless succession.

By Otieno Elvis Gikoi 

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

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My Dream Girl

As i sit back and think,
If i wake up and blinked,
And i would realize,
How close you've pushed me to the brink,
Yet i stand strong,
Risked it all for you,
And written all of this damn songs,
Just for you to put them on stop,
And tell me how loving you was wrong,
I guess you enjoyed the pain that i felt,
Slowly driving me insane,
And speeding up my heart,
Because to you it's just a game,
Even though, i would have showered you with love,
Like a lonely flower in the rain,
You shoved me under the dirt,
But as long as i was still you nutrients,
I honestly couldn't complain,
So i laid lowest 
Like i tried to get serious too fast,
So i got played slow,
We weren't together,
But i want my love for you,
To be something that they know,
But love for me is something that you ain't show,
That makes you hurt me 
But i was still there whenever you need me,
I could picture me leaving you,
And i could imagine you leaving me,
So as much as it hurts me,
I tried to use my love to be a friend,
Even though it weakened me on the outside, 
And it was killing me from within,
And i did my best to be a friend to you,
You claimed to be a friend to me,
But my heart interfered,
With all the pain involved,
It felt like you were more of any enemy,
Then it reached a point where it was too much for me to bear,
And i had too much love for you,
It seemed like you didn't care,
So we held on with one hand,
And we pushed away with the other,
Now I'm torn between love and hate,
Because we can't be friends,
And we can't be lovers
Now, am wondering
What it's gonna be,
Because I'm the right guy for you,
But it seems like you're the wrong girl for me,
As far as the damages go,
We can use whatever's left of my heart to pay the fee,
I love you my dream girl,
Will have to close my eyes just to see

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2022

Details | Otieno Elvis Gikoi Poem

The Sky Is the Limit

With open arms, I enter this space
A chance to explore, to discover my place
To wander down a path of words and rhyme
To unlock my soul and let my thoughts climb

The sky, they say, is the limit we seek
But often it feels we're at a losing streak
Our goals so high, our failures so near
We stumble and fall, overcome with fear

But in this space, I feel a different air
A spirit of hope, a sense of dare
To rise above, to reach for the sky
To believe in ourselves, to give it a try

I take my seat, and turn up my heat
Ready to dive into this poetic street
With pen in hand, I let my words flow
A journey of discovery, a chance to grow

And as I write, I find something sweet
A sense of purpose, a reason to beat
The struggles that come, the doubts that arise
To reach for the sky, to aim for the prize

So here I am, on this first visit
Ready to embrace, to never quit
For in this space, I have found
A way to break free, to become unbound

And as I leave this poetry street
I carry with me a new, uplifting beat
A spirit that soars, a heart full of fire
Ready to face the world, to climb ever higher

For though the sky may seem far away
With courage and faith, we can seize the day
And so I leave, with a renewed spirit
Ready to take on whatever comes, and never fear it.

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

Details | Otieno Elvis Gikoi Poem

Special Needs Education Policy 1968

Special Needs Education Policy 1968

The session paper 5 of 1968, a turning point so grand,
A moment in history that improved the lives of many, a stand.
For special needs education in Kenya, it paved the way,
A brighter future for all, where everyone could learn and play.

Gone were the days, where children with special needs,
Were left behind, their futures filled with all too many weeds.
With session paper 5, came a change, a brand new start,
A path to inclusion, where every child had a place in the heart.

From classrooms to resources, the improvements were clear,
Supporting children with special needs, so they could live without fear.
With trained teachers and specialized equipment, the future was bright,
Giving children with special needs, a chance to learn and take flight.

Now, years later, we see the fruit of that session paper 5,
With schools and resources, providing the support to help them thrive.
No longer left behind, they can learn and grow,
Their futures filled with hope, where they can reach their full potential, and so.

So let us celebrate the session paper 5 of 1968,
For giving children with special needs, a brighter future, where they can all win.
A turning point in history, that made a difference, no doubt,
A brighter future for all, with improved special needs education about.

By Otieno Elvis Gikoi

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

Details | Otieno Elvis Gikoi Poem

Drunk With Ideas

In my veins flows ink and verse,
I was born with words to rehearse, 
My blood, a symphony of rhyme,
My heart, a rhythm all the time.

When sober, my mind is sharp,
My pen dances with each harp,
But when I'm drunk, my spirit flies,
The ideas flow like a stream that never dies.

My muse is a bottle of wine,
With every sip, I enter a new line,
I write of love, of pain, of joy,
Each thought a treasure, no need to deploy.

For in my blood, poetry reigns,
My soul sings with each refrain,
I'm a poet born to make hearts weep,
My words a lullaby for those who sleep.

Let me drink, let me be free,
For in my drunkenness, I'm the key,
To a world of beauty, a world of art,
A world where words can heal a broken heart.

©Otieno Elvis Gikoi

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023

Details | Otieno Elvis Gikoi Poem

My Life Love


Bijobianca, you make me whole,
I'm not complete without you,
You have healed and touched my soul,
I'm worthless without you.

I have kept you in my heart,
You're in my soul,
It's a useless restart,
Because you have stitched my hole.

I really love you madly,
Constantly thinking about you,
I promise i won't just hold you slackly,
Because I'll die for you.

You never let me go offline,
As you're waiting in line,
You slowly became mine,
You always make me shine.

Please hold my hands,
Wash my tears,
Heal and make my mends,
Hug and stop my fears.

We were just slow,
Until you made me flow,
As our love grow,
You kissed me in the snow. 


Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2022

Details | Otieno Elvis Gikoi Poem

Poet's Prayer

Poet's prayer

Oh muse of poetry, hear my prayer,
Grant me the gift of eloquent flair,
To string words together in harmony,
And paint vivid pictures with my poetry.

May my verses flow like a river,
Smooth and steady, without a quiver,
May my rhymes dance like music,
And my words be potent like magic.

May my poetry inspire and move,
To bring joy, love, and hope to prove,
May it heal the broken-hearted,
And lift the souls that have departed.

Oh, muse of poetry, guide my pen,
Through dark nights and light again,
Fill me with words that ring true,
And help me to craft poetry anew.

May my lines touch hearts and minds,
And linger long after they unwind,
May my poems live on for all time,
A testament to the beauty of the divine.

Oh muse of poetry, I humbly pray,
Guide me on this poetic way,
Help me to honor the gift you give,
And in my writing, forever live.

By Otieno Elvis Gikoi

Copyright © Otieno Elvis Gikoi | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs