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Best Poems Written by Kim Stone

Below are the all-time best Kim Stone poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Writer's Book Bag

The Writer's Book Bag

     When I looked done,
     The bags were all around.
     Scattered on the floor,
     Obviously bought at a secondhand store.

     Writers came in and sat down,
     Claiming most of the bags that were around.

     Except for one.
     Leaning against the chair leg,
     Slumping with exhaustion.
     Faded from the wash,
     Ground stains on the bottom.

     Sweating metal flask,
     Hidden in the side.
     Leaving a moist imprint,
     That almost comes alive.

     Stuffed to the gills,
     Tiny wisps of paper sticking out.
     Torn slightly from being tossed about.
     Straps all askew.

     It has been everywhere,
     Continuously added to,
     Strata to be mined,
     When you have the time.

     Cupped softly,
     Treasures left of
     All that is left of you.

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2023

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Of whooshy bottoms I do speak,
     Across the tub they do squeak.
     Cheek to cheek over tub and tile,
     My little girl likes to slide in style.
     She invites folks over two at a time,
     Splits their quarters,
     And keeps a dime.
     Sets her friends up at the tubs far end,
     Makes sure bottoms are soaped for a slide to the end.
     Speed trials have always been fun,
     Until the soap holder came to an end.

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2022

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Never Heard the Rules

I never heard the rules.
     Guessing was an art.
     Observation, that was a start!

     Asking "why", was a favorite question.
     Who? or what? was part of the lesson.

     Going from house to house,
     Seeing families with rules,
     Some without.

     No one had the answer to "why":
     We cut chicken off the bone,
     Left adults quiet and alone.

     Learned to fight when attacked.
     Learned to argue and talkback.

     Found that decision I made had as much value,
     And not to be afraid.

     Always acted outside the box,
     Never felt guilty,
     Or at a loss.

     Made a simple rule for me;
     Don't hurt another soul or me.
     But be bold and be free!

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2023

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Drum Bowl

Drum Bowl

     Loved to sing,
     Can't carry a tune.
     Tried a recorder,
     Not my order!
     Found that strings,
     Were not my thing.


     Pounding out a rhythm,
     Oh, what bliss!


     The drums must carry on!
     Pots and pans,
     Have all been tried out!
     The best thing yet,
     A round metal dog bowl,
     All shinny and bright.
     Lightly tapped,
     Gives a tinny sound,
     Echoing back.

     The dogs look at me,
     "What's that"?
     Our food or water?
     What's on order?

     Tapping away with all my heart.
     Even the birds sing along.

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2023

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My mop and I have a long history,
     Some of it fun,
     Some of it misery.

     Riding around town making horsey sounds,
     Turning you upside down,
     Look what a friend I've found!

     Sailing with grace over land and sea,
     Just my mop and I,
     Always free.

     Then there was the time,
     Mop and I braided our locks,
     Took three hours to disassemble our flocks!

     Oh what fun we had,
     Till mom came by,
     My friend had to wash the floor you see!

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2022

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Animal Stew

Alison Alligator eating artichokes on a ant hill,
     Beverly Bear floating on a cloud over there,
     which developed a leak,
     Charlotte the twin headed elephant
     up to their knees,
     Danny the dingo swimming past.
     While watching,
      Eli the iguana,
     slithering over a leaf
     sharing a log,
     with Francis the frog looking over,
     as Gwenda the goose flew overhead
     into the gum tree,
     Helen the hermit had laid down her head,
     Ivy the twinning snake,
     who was always late,
     slithered up the tree,
     to give
     Jay the monkey,
     who was feeling funky,
     a fright.
     she dropped a nut on,
     Karen the kite,
     who was in flight one starry night.
     As Lil the parrot continued to trill,
     Marsha the mammoth grew quite still,
     to much noise was making her ill,
     gave her the shakes
     Nosey Nancy the ant came up out of her mound
     to see what was shaking the ground all around.
     Olive the ostrich bent all her knees,
     standing straight was making her sneeze!
      Penelope the porcupine trotted on by
     to keep an appointment with 
      Quirky the quill,
      she was the queen of everything,
      she was quite mean.
     Ruth the rambling rabbit into,
     Silly sue who was a sea lion and lived in Sillyville,
     and lived there still.
     Terrible Tonya the Tonga tiger,
     who danced with,
     Uncelet Uris who came from the north,
      because of to many Tonga dancers rolling tires back abd forth.
     Violet the vampire bat flew down to show
     Wilson Lucille the very large whale,
     how to stay out of jail.
     she had a tendency you see,
     to hang out with
     Xantus, the hummingbird,
     who lived on a yacht with a 
     Yak Zack ,
     and stole yogurt by the lot.
     Finally to tired to tired to chat anymore,
     Alison, Beverly, Charlotte, Danny, Eli, Francis, Gwenda, Helen, Ivy, Jay,
     Karen, Lil, Marsha, Nancy, Olive, Penelope, Quirky, Ruth, Sue, Tonya, Uris, Violet, Wilson Lucille, Xantus,  and Yak Zak
     fell asleep on the floor.

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2022

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Fiddle, Faddle, Fart,
     My brain is falling apart.

     Tweedle, Twaddle, Dee,
     Oh deary me!

     Fanny, Dango, and Flirt,
     What will go first?

     Lassoing my feet with panties,
     Just to be neat!

     Slinging bras around breasts,
     With renewed defeat!

     Starting out all curious and gay,
     Always cheering on a new day!

     Now we are in reverse,
     Amazed we made it to a new day!

     Now all we have to do,
     Is get out of bed and find our shoes!

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2023

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I could put a robot to disgrace,
     Not a part of me that hasn't been,
     Or replaced!

     Now the next thing to do,
     Is rewire my brain.
     My granddaughters' puts mine to shame!

     Perhaps an IQ or two,
     Stuffed into an ear.
     Oh my!
     Watch out!
     The hearing aid is in there!

     I know the AI's are all about,
     Perhaps we could find a used one,
     With less mileage,
     And I could switch out!

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kim Stone Poem

3 Son: Kabodlute

Kabodlute was not an impressive guy,
     Big head,
     Clumpy feet,
     Never did get enough to eat.
     Skinny bones popping out,
     Stringy hair scattered all about.

     Some thought he was without,
     A friend,
     Nice clothes,
     Or even a hat.

     He lived in a village,
     Not a town,
     Or a city.

     Surrounded by a wall,
     To keep monsters out.
     At least that's what his grandmothers told him it was about!

     The wall was surrounded by the usual sounds.
     Water running all around.
     Bamboo rustling with the wind.
     Villagers walking by,
     Or talking as they stood about.

     None of this is what he heard.
     Kabodlute only heard the musical notes playing in his head,
     All day long,
     Even while he was in bed!

     His conversation was limited,
     To the musical notes that were floating about,
     So he asked his grandmothers what he should do.
     He had two.

     They said," you should dress up a bit,
     Perhaps you'll feel more fit.
     Maybe a hat and new tunic.
     We can help with that."

     So gathering their tools,
     And scrounging bits of cloth,
     The two grandmothers created a hat,
     And a comfortable tunic.
     While he looked quite fine,
     He still couldn't hear.

     His grandmothers thought,
     "Maybe if you plug up your ears,
     So the music doesn't fall out."
     That didn't work,
     He couldn't even hear his two older brothers call him "Squirt".

     Then his grandmothers said, "let it all out,
     So the world will know what you are about!"
     They gave him a three fingered flute that he could toot.
     So he did!
     And spent every day playing his flute.

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2022

Details | Kim Stone Poem


Smallest finger of a worm sends a million legs a crawling.

Thousands of legs on one side joined in concert to move.
Forward, forward, ever forward.
Over bumps, into cracks, around the gravel.

 Whoops! Its' a cat. 
 Smallest finger of a worm,
You've just become a side dish in your turn.

Millions of legs in that tummy.
Thousands of legs running round.
Forward, forward, ever forward.
Over the inside of a belly button.
No wonder my cat is hanging upside down.

Copyright © Kim Stone | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs