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Best Poems Written by Sara Walton

Below are the all-time best Sara Walton poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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December 27 For Daddy

Can a lie ever be true,
                if the heart of the liar seems pure?
rain falls… drips…
                grey clouds hover and cover the skies-
                projecting some darkness over my home.
Yet your heart, your cleanliness,
sheds some light in my soul.
                Even an ugly truth contains beauty,
                   You taught me that… Thank you.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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I'Ve Built a Wall

I’ve built a wall.
Brick by brick… each made of hypocrisy, day to day living, colors of black and white….
I’ve built a wall. 
I’ve built it in myself.
Stone by stone…
	Each made of some menial task…
	Each containing some meaningless moment…
yes, I’ve built this wall.
I’ve built it so high-  that even I can not get over it.

Each brick and each stone, brings me closer to the opposite of resolution.

Damned myself.  I’ve built a wall.

Chore by chore… minute to minute…  each realistic
	moment… building the wall higher and higher…
larger and larger… 

- So that even I, can not see the sky any longer.

yes, I’ve built this wall.
Each stone of stone, mocks me deeper into despair. 
Each brick, too smooth for footing – keeps me down.
	I can not imagine, that I’ve built it alone.
But, I have.

Eventually, I will erupt within myself – a demolition of sorts …
maybe bring this wall down. 
Down low enough, so that I may crawl over it to reach another side.

I’ve built a wall.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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April 8

What is a mother?
Special woman…. 
	Wise…. All knowing.
	She can keep my secrets…..
( I know she won’t tell Daddy!)

	I miss you when you’re gone.
	I dream of you at night.
	I’m scared that you’ll leave me.
Ssh, can you keep a secret?
Please don’t tell Daddy….
	I think we’ll die together!
	On the very same day….
In the very same moment.

	Is that ok?
	Is that alright?
It’s only cause I love ya mommy….
	But don’t tell Dad….
He might get sad!

I rhymed Mommy, did you hear it!!! 

	What is a mother?

				It’s only a dream.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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April 10th

Loathsome longing. 
A photograph… an instance of the past…
and she’s back to 
Loathsome longing. 
A vision… a thought…
and her mind floats back to a time when 
life was easier.
Does it only get harder?
Will every day confuse her more?
She thinks…
Yet she does not know anything.
She only knows a sense of this loathsome longing.
What is it?
When will it end?
She doesn’t know.
Why is it here?
Her fear won’t let in the answers.
She knows,
but will not recognize…
that the power is just inside of her.
She is too afraid to harness it.
So, she continues her…
Loathsome longing.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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August 18

Climbing, clawing my way out of a thorn bush…
	scratches, bleeding – trying to escape. 
The thorns engulf me, like a quicksand…
I can not breathe.
I can not escape. 

the vines, like hands and arms… wrapping around me…
	squeezing… tighter and tighter –
cutting off life….
cutting off the air that I need to be me.

Let me be…
Leave me alone.
Let me breathe…
can’t you see that I am scorned.

Will never be left alone in this life that has taken over -
 taken on a life of its’ own.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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Fury and Purity

In a world of lies, dishonesty and farce…
where does kindness come from?
In a universe full of cosmic jokes,
where does real laughter exist?
Life in its’ entirety is an odd mixture
of good and evil…
Both presiding equally…
coexisting in a perverse harmony.
People by nature are good?!?!
I’d like to believe, through the haze of poor choices,
poor souls, and terrible outcomes…
My heart is clean, my truth is pure,
Yet my hands – always dirty- pawing through existence,
clawing for goodness…
At least I find it in you –
	if no one else.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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May 6

The sun is setting on this time of my life…
Decisions to make…
	Decisions to pretend I had a hand in making…
I don’t believe I can ever go back – 
to a time in life when I was so starry eyed…
a time in my life, when dreams were all I had.

Now, it is the dawn of a new era (in my life),
Reality… realistic thinking and doing…
	No more far away dreaming, no more fantasies of a life that will never be my own.

The reality of the game… the rules that we must play by.

Perhaps, just a farce.
Perhaps, not. 

Perhaps I still am dreaming.
If I am… wake me up please.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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Once in a while,
When the sun shines so bright… 
And clouds seem scarce….
I can look up and smile,
… and be so glad that I am here.

When tulips begin to peak out from the earth,
When the birds begin to sing again…..
When the green grass becomes greener still….
I can look around and smile,
….  I’m so glad that I am here.

Sometimes, on a cloudless night
When the moon shines as bright as a sun…
When the stars all come out to play,
I can look up,
And be so glad that I am alive….
And I’ll wish upon a star,
When it comes time for my demise…
In the next life I live….
These visions will still be in my eyes.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

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August 18

Slowly, I am changing.
The clouds – they are parting , to let in the morning sun.
Slowly, I begin to smile… having one more day to make it all better.
	One more day – to paint the world with my colors.
Colors of fury and peace.

Slowly, I am a parody.
The smiles – they will part, to let out the laughter.
Quickly, my mind takes hold of me…
	I open my eyes to see the truth in my day…
a fantasy.
	A beautiful dream… a love that is serene.
	A family to care for… 
		A place to be seen.
A world that isn’t perfect, but will seemingly try…
Slowly, I am changing –
	the world hears my cry.

Copyright © Sara Walton | Year Posted 2008

Book: Reflection on the Important Things