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Best Poems Written by Woody Francescone

Below are the all-time best Woody Francescone poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hideous Foe

There's a viscerally vial creature loosed,
Which is heinously hideous and vicious.
This barbarian monstrosity destroys people's vitality and flesh,
By raping and pillaging their lives,
Killing and ravaging entire families and villages,
Forever cursing all those it consumes.
I've taken up armament against this enemy,
Vowing an oath to eradicate this foe.
I wage continued war on this unholy vile behemoth,
Thrusting my dagger through its abdomen,
Ripping and slashing its bowels,
But it shrugs off the assault undeterred.
I shoot arrows through its heart,
Only to realize tis useless as no heart exists.
I take my sword and behead the beast,
But like Hydra, it restores its venomous crown.
I hack off its limbs chopping flesh and bone,
But it slithers demonically onward.
I gouge out its eyes blinding it from finding victims,
But it smells weakness, fear, and depression,
And tracks its quarry like a bloodhound.
I smash out its treacherous bloodthirsty teeth,
But it mauls its prey bludgeoning it mercilessly,
Slowly but surely till it's powerless.
I wrestle it and break it's back so it's paralyzed,
But its grotesque distorted mangled body trudges forward unhindered.
Nothing I do stops this devastating onslaught,
And I relinquish my battle and succumb unwillingly to this curse.
Destined to be enslaved to this ruthless foe forever.
Left helpless to struggle until I die,
Fighting with my own sins.

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

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My Heart Was Ripped Out

My heart was ripped out Was ripped out of my chest Leaving a hole A bottomless hole A black hole Deeper than the great abyss Wider then space itself Where temperatures are so cold Where thermometers cease to register Where no sound emanates Thought is impossible And there's no ability to feel Even if touch were possible Things would just crumble as you tried And vanish never to be seen again A place where life ceases to exist And no hope is possible My heart is gone Gone from my chest Not sure if I will ever Find it again

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

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I See You

I see your tough nature,
Your coarse rough exterior.
I see the unbreachable wall, 
Never to be penetrated again,
Fortified against the most dubious of foes,
Built of the hardest granite from the walls of your heart,
Guarded by spears and knives preserving your soul, 
Fashioned of tempered steel forged from dark shadows. 
I see the dark moat surrounding your walls,
Black as the darkest of inks,
Deep and wide as your emotions, 
Filled with crocodiles and piranhas, 
Born from your memories……. 
But I've also seen the true you,
The beautiful you hiding deep within.
I get a glimpse every now and then,
A small peek at the wonderful person you are,
The person you've tucked so far inside,
Someone who rarely comes out. 
I occasionally see the twinkle in your eye.
I've felt the warmth of the compassion of your heart,
One which still beats loud and strong.
I witness the gentle touch that you can afford. 
I can imagine the stunning person inside,
The small hurt child who cries out to be loved,
Who's wounds have become your impenetrable shield.
I see that person wanting to truly be touched,
For the person she is,
The person she was,
The person who once knew no bounds, 
A magnificent creature,
A lovely tender but dazzling flower,
An amazing courageous lioness,
A passionate vibrant lover,
A delicate and delightful angel.
I long to see you escape your chains,
Shattering the bars of your prison,
Extending your wings and flying once more,
Vibrant and full of life,
In unison with the one you love,
At peace and full,
Confident and sure,
Whole again.

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

Details | Woody Francescone Poem

Heather Huff

I remember the email
Asking about seeing stars
I casually remarked no
Callous, not realizing the scars

But many years later
While pondering my past life
Realized so many mistakes
Again cutting like a knife

Heather I'm so so sorry
I was so young and naive
I didn't know much back then
And past hurts I can't unweave

There were also many pressures
Peer and immaturity
That shouldn't have been
Was my insecurity

I wish I had known better
I wish back then I knew more
Things could have been different
A different outcome explore

I'm so sorry I hurt you
I'm sorry you had to cry
I'm sorry your heart had to break
And all the scars they apply

I look back and really wish
That these times could be redone
I could make the right decisions
It'd be perfect for everyone

But time is an evil bandit
Who steals many precious things 
Things that are irreplaceable
Regardless of the pain it brings

Now I don't know where you are
And my searches all incomplete
The regret I am left with
My apology met with defeat
Wanted to admit there were stars
And how special you were to me
You deserved way more then I gave
You needed to  be loved now I see

So here is my apology
But you deserve so much more
Wish I could fix things broken
But it is too late I'm sure

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

Details | Woody Francescone Poem

I Have An Ugly Friend

I have an ugly friend
Who scares me once in a while
On the outside he's quite happy
Enthusiastic with a smile

He's filled with positive thoughts
And will give the shirt off his back
Hard working and steadfast
Of ambition he does not lack

But at his core is someone else
A stranger I don't like
Filled with shadows n darkness
Depression n negativity alike

Build a mountain I've seen him do
Unstoppable in his pursuit
Fearless to take on any task
Boundless energy absolute

Goals mapped out years to come
No problem stands in his way
Sacrifice is his middle name
Success regardless the price to pay

But on the other side
When things get to hard to bear
Don't recognize this gentleman
As he's filled with such despair

Doesn't happen very often
Maybe every once in a while
This man filled with optimism
Become extremely vile

A man depressed beyond belief
Crippled by its clutch
Paralyzed without recourse
Immobilized by such

Self-doubt n fear takes its grip
Worthlessness and in chains
He falls to all carnal sins
Coping for all the deep pains

There's great scars and wounds 
That most people'll never know
Don't know how this great man
Is reduced to such lowly woe

How can one so strong and true
Digress to this degree
I search endlessly for an answer
You see, this friend, is me

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

Details | Woody Francescone Poem

The Curse

As a frightened little kid 
I remember the dark rooms
I remember all the yelling
N innocent spirit it consumes
Remember psychoanalyzing
Getting inside my head
The long days of screaming
The intimidation it spread
Knowing what I'm thinking
Even though it wasn't true
I was never allowed to be right
And the soulless body it grew
I remember the animals
Who had more rights than we
Should've been born them
To escape this psychotic spree
Maybe if were ur cars
Might have had more value
Maybe gotten attention
A relationship would've grew
Not allowed to touch things
Cause everything was yours
The food you worked for
Your satisfaction ensures
I know you worked so hard
Way too hard to spend time
Never went and did anything 
Childhood theft was the crime
But things are much better now
As you hide from the world
We're finally on our own
Just wounds left unfurled
We live with all these scars
Tryin not to pass the curse
We try and change the tides
But our autopilot perverse
Mend the lives we touch
From the Hell that lies within
We do the best we can
To reverse this deadly sin
Hopefully our own damage
We pass along is lite
As we battle our inbred
Nightmares that we fight
So I say a little prayer
Before I lay me down to sleep
Forgive my inherited sins
On those I'm entrusted to keep

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

Details | Woody Francescone Poem


Oh Amazonian tea
A demonic stigma precedes you
Your evil is in your wonderous healing
You adept unmasker
Ceremonious enlightener
Purging our torso to allow cleansing of our souls
Unbarring portals we've kept forcibly sealed
Transporting us to a realm where our recollection still breathes
Disentombing memories 
We've spent a lifetime encapsulating
So that even our souls forget
Awakening questions we didn't conceive we possessed
Solving unanswerable mysteries 
You hellaciously beautiful mirror
Exposing our vile ugliness
Clearing our selfish deceptively blurred vision
To definitively see
Liberating our murky minds
Exposing the vibration's worthlessness
To manifest the brightest darkness
Embodying authentic love
Allowing us to find us
By casting off selves feigned
And be nakedly unbound
Terminating the deception
Baring the overt essence
Pure, whole
And free

This is why I dare not taste
Because of the hidden evil 
The monster who resides hides
With his darkest of secrets
Cloaked skillfully from the light
Never to be exposed

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2019

Details | Woody Francescone Poem

Where's the magic

When I was small
The skies were a deeper blue and magical
Food tasted different and wonderful 
Everything was new and fanciful
And I was innocent

Where's that entombed?

Can I recapture freshness
uniqueness and amazement…


Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2024

Details | Woody Francescone Poem

Giving the Kitty Some Food

This morning tried calling mom to collude
Dad explained awkwardly pet care ensued
Later thought the answer quite abnormal
Having no pets the excuse seemed immoral
Given Dad said was giving the kitty some food

Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2024

Details | Woody Francescone Poem


Why is it easy for others to sleep
At a single moment's notice
But my eyes remain wide and fixed
As if I'm under hypnosis

Why is it I can never doze
While others so readily collapse
Even though completely shot
My mind refuses to relax

Wouldn't my drained muscles
That desperately seek healing
Be better off rejuvenating 
Instead of me staring at the ceiling

Why can't I drift away
And assume my place in a daze
Drifting and floating endlessly  
In beautiful lethargic malaise

What's the trick to make me fall
Into an utterly tranquil abyss
So I can preserve my own sanity
With therapeutic bliss 


Copyright © Woody Francescone | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs