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Best Poems Written by Sammette Williams

Below are the all-time best Sammette Williams poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Aborted Child

You said I was a dumbass cause I kept your unborn child
You sexing me like an animal, your going wild
You gave me three hundred dollars and walked away
Like a dumbass, nothing to say
I had a decison to make about whether to keep our unborn child
So much going through my mind, my thoughts going crazy
Never thinking about our baby!
I became a woman with an unborn child inside me
I couldn't talk to my mother, my mother put me in the streets
Sitting on the corner thoughts so deep
After hours of crying my eyes out
I slept a little, but could not sleep
The worst thing to think about was bringing our unborn child's life to an end
Even before it begins
I decided to keep my unborn child and let it have a chance
What was I thinking living in my life's circumstance
No father around I was confused and dazed
I had to also wonder where I'd stay
I went through the delivery, pain and the up's and down's
Sometimes regretting why I kept it around
I don't know what's going through my head
One minute I loved it then the next wishing it dead
Is this the thoughts of a mother to hate it more each day
All I can do is pray for these thoughts to go away
I think because I hate it's father, but what does that do
It makes me hate a child who had nothing to do with what I wanted and it was only you!
I hated it cause it's his child and I knew he hated it too!
What parents want an abortion?
A dumbass like me and you
No feelings, no emtions or motherly love
It's our child and we're suppose to love
Our aborted child who still lives
The saddest part is he became a man without a mother or father
He tried to not let our not loving him be a bother
You were apart of me and you; mine and yours
Something we should adore
Never figured out me, never stopped hating you
The tragedy is our child who I can never say really smiled
We both failed him and all we can do is thing about our lives
What about his life and all you can say
"You decided to keep him it's your problem even today!!!!"

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2019

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Daughter To Father

Daughter "2" Father
Hey, Dad, can I talk to you?
I understand the things you’ve been through 
But look at what I've been through
I survived and forgive you
For me life was like cleats
Sorrow was inside me, but the pain cut deep
There were times I could not sleep
My stomach empty cause no food to eat
Get up for school every day stumbling to stand on my feet
People laughed at me cause I stumbled
That’s cause I was weak
I never let anyone know what was going on inside of me
I was so numb I could not speak
I was once a product of my community
No one knew I packed heat
Did what I had to do so your family could eat
I looked at you and your family you left behind
Could not end up in a penitentiary
Too many people counting on me
Praying to God to keep me free
Sometimes questioning if God cared for me
Many a times I prayed to Satan for help
Envying people for what Satan gave them… he gave them wealth
I knew this was God testing me to see
If I was ready to give my life to him
And to continue to receive his protection over me
You said I’d find no glass slippers in my future
But I found glass everywhere cause you left the family in despair
In this cold world, you didn’t care
No prince charming to come into my life
I refuse to be like my mother a desperate housewife
I understand where you came from in your life
But, running from what you made and not supporting your children or wife
Even though we didn’t understand each other
I respected you cause you were my father
After graduation I found a job
To take care of your responsibilities
I was a father, mother and sister too
I did what a real Dad would do
Walked around mad at the world I should have been mad at you
You took your mickey out to be a man
When your wife said she pregnant you ran
Damn, I am at a loss for words, I don’t understand
When you take your mickey out it’s a plan!

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020

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Domestic Abuser

You represent the streets like only you do
But, hate the fact that you're and abuser too
You abused your children and tried to take their mother's life
Support for your domestic abuse
Law enforcement say it's a lover's quarrel, for an excuse
No one feels her pain, until he's blown out her brains
Law enforcement makes her feel she is the blame
She loved him for all she could gain
The love is gone she want him to leave
He want to stay where is children remain
An excuse they all claim
A domestic abuser who lives with no shame
His family, justice system and his ignorant new chick
Support his lame abuser tricks
No woman should ever forget
You'll be the new chick getting your butt kicked
They say I'm ruining his name
If you're a woman you should understand her pain
F**k all the shame
I gave him more than I could ever gain
It's time to move on and end all the games
Wake-up and realize you're a man
Your psycho mother needs to let go of your hand
Make him understand he's not a boy anymore 
Or is he your man
I know you love him, he's your pride and joy
Talk to me as a woman an not some sick Mom
You won't separate your incestuous love for her boy
Take him home give him the love he enjoys
Playing with woman like their his toys
I must move on and he's not going to continue to ruin my life
Domestic abusers find a sick woman who likes to be beat every night

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2019

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When you pulled that gun 
My life it was erased
Felt like a blank piece of paper, no face
I had become a woman in front of your eyes
I had no more tears to cry
I refused to lay down and slowly die
I got up cleaned myself off
I had to learn to ride life as if I was learning to ride a wild horse
No one to help me take control
No one to run to no one to hold
Like a used piece of paper, I would not crumble and fold
My back was strong, I endured the pain far too long
An accidental baby was born
That beat child was now gone
I had to be a multi-tasker
I refused to be labeled an unwanted bastard
I was chosen to be an out of wedlock child, scorned by others, but still I smiled
I had a love-hate relationship with you
It manifested through the years of abuse
To hate you was no excuse, but to forgive you I do!

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020

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Barbara Iris Williams

“Barbara Iris Williams”
I lost my sister today
I knew she was a fighter and she would win
Been at deaths door before and slammed it and moved on
I cannot believe she is gone, 
Cancer took another, first my brother than my mother from my life
My family’s hearts broken and torn
Again, cannot believe she is gone
Looking at life come back to her face
Then like a blackboard everything erased
We promise to keep the grandkids and kids safe
We know no one can take her place
She knew we would take care of everything that was no doubt
She was a fighter destined to win this bout
Who thought God would count her out?
That’s only one thing God and Death can talk about
They’ll say who will walk in or who will walk out
We had good times and we were blessed
I believe God takes the best
I’d rather God take someone else
Then to endure the pain we felt
In heaven you will watch over all the rest
The pain and heartache are only a test
Losing a sister is irreplaceable and gone forever
But I believe someday we’ll all be in heaven together

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020

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Her Final Destination

“Her Final Destination”

Don’t cry for me now I’m finally free
No more crying, or hiding the pain I did not want you to see
I’m following my final destiny that God planned for me
I took my mother’s hand as God called for me
She told me God sent her to guide me home
So, I would not be scared or feel alone
I turned to look back an you all were crying for me
I had to leave you all
Remember I’m spiritually there but physically free
A new and final journey; heaven is now where I’ll be
I told you I could not stay another day
To joke, to love you, to work or to play
The tasks I left undone will remain that way
I’ve found peace, joy and no more pain
But I left my essence of love for you to remain
I know my departure has left a big void
Feel it with all the memories we enjoyed
A relationship shared, a laugh or two or maybe a gentle kiss from me to you
These are the things I shell miss too
I didn’t get to hug you, love you or say good-bye
Is this what made you cry?
Do not be burdened with a long time of sorrow
I will give you bright days and sunshine for all your sad tomorrows
My life was full I enjoyed it so much
Good times, family, friends and a gentle hug or kiss from my grandchildren
I’ll miss their touch
It seems like my lifetime was brief
Don’t think about the time it will only prolong the grief
It wasn’t my plan it was God’s destiny
God had a plan for me to do 
We can never hide or run away
God wanted me now I didn’t know how to tell you he called for me
We will meet one day, and we will all be free
Stay together and never forget all our fun
Peace, strength and love until we all are one
Rest In Peace

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020

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I Am

I am strong and determined
I wonder about world peace, socialism and hate
I respect all regardless of race
No matter how they may act towards me
I hear crickets beneath my feet
I see shadows soaring around me
I want equality for my black skin
Cause where we are at now, we can lose or win
I am strong and determined
I pretend to be a superwoman, no one can stop me
I feel God’s hand upon me
I touch God and God touched me from my head to my feet
I fear no man, woman or beast
I will never succumb to defeat
I worry about mass destruction and murder everyday
I worry will it ever go away
I worry about these young people getting a better life
With no more turmoil, disease, war or strife
I hope for democracy, justice and world peace
These three little words fail to exist
I cry seeing racism, disrespect and pain 
No one wants to take the blame
No one feels the pain
No one feels ashamed
I am strong and determined
I understand the universal energy in me
I say respect, have pride and dignity
No matter how low you have fallen to Satan the beast
I dream of God cleansing the world’s soul
Protecting the elders as they grow old
I try to smile even when I am down
Cry like a baby when no one’s around
I am strong and determined
Who is going to stop me!

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020

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They called me turtle cause of my tough shell
I wasn’t born that way it comes from the ghetto a place called hell
Single parent home never knew my father
I felt so alone
Men thought they were going to win but I refuse to become worthless to please him
I walked away from those who say they loved me, and they cared
The only time they loved me or cared, 
When they thought I had my body to share?
I knew my worth in diamonds and gold
I didn’t compromise my mind, body or soul
I wanted more than his dick to hold
Didn’t want to be his ex. Commodity
I had more to offer then he wanted to see
Just take your clothes off and get down with me
He didn’t have anything to offer but he thought that’s how all black woman get down
Money buys temporary happiness, no dreams or goals
Trying to keep your head up, trying to keep hold
Worrying about who they f**ken, worrying yourself old
I learned along time ago, if it hurts to keep them 
Then I’d rather let them go
I’ve become more than a hard shell
I became a woman making my own

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2019

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We Aint Dying

We aint dying
We aint dying from the coronavirus
It’s the pollution planted in our air, water and food supply
just like the pre-existing disease they were going to die
You hear over and over again
We aint testing here so you leave
Go home and die from this disease
We are dying from the lies the government tell
Broadcasted like wildfire by the news media the lies are everywhere
We aint dying from corona
We are dying from those who want to lead
Enjoy watching you die and beg to breathe
We aint dying from a disease
We are dying because we have no one in charge of this country
 The one they elected is now government protected
Not a government official has died from this disease
We aint dying from corona
We are dying from government operated hospitals and doctors who don’t care
Who have the power to act like God and say it is God’s will?
Now it is a legal way to kill
To say if you will live or die
Cannot let the family mourn or say goodbye
They have total control of your life
No family, children, parents or the loved one’s to hold your hand
To pray or to maybe understand
We aint dying from a disease
We are dying from a system that does not care or feel
It is about who will get the most when they steal
A system that wants to see you live in fear and continued despair
Where are the preachers and other leaders? Nowhere to be found
Waiting from God to come down
Just like the others a bunch of clowns
We aint dying from coronavirus
We are dying because no one really cares!
If they did, and I doubt
You would hear intelligent responses from your president’s mouth
It not about staying in the house
The world is talking about an out of control disease
No vaccine or medicine in sight
It looks like a long a dreary plight
A long and hard fight to save a life
It is about the corruption of this government
Working to keep Trump in the white house in first place
They are doing wrong right in your face
Trapped like animals, cannot move place to place
Slowly our lives are being erased
We aint dying from a disease
We are dying from a moron who was elected by his Democratic and Republican predecessors to lead
That’s why we’re dying from ignorance and greed!

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020

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On My Own

“On My Own”
I knew it was time to move on
I felt that feeling of love gone
You were not there to see your child born
Torn between a man and a child
Being free and running wild
I had to move with your child in my arms
I had to be a protector and let no one bring him harm
I never looked back because I saw it totally black
A little afraid so I moved on into the light 
Only one thing on my mind is to make your child’s life turn out right
I laid in the bed with my little one close to my heart
I knew I had to give him the best start
I could not let him down because you wanted to be the center of attention
Really a clown
My little one is a man and he has made big plans
Sometimes holding me up and grabbing my hand
I cried he wiped my tears away
But in his gentle voice he said, mommy it will be okay
Years have passed its graduation day
Sorry to hear you passed away
You missed his graduation, first word and to walk
Every time I looked into those big brown eyes; I’d see you
He never asked or wondered where you were, as so many children will do
I’ll only tell him the one great thing that you did
You gave me this wonderful gift…. A beautiful kid!

Copyright © Sammette Williams | Year Posted 2020


Book: Reflection on the Important Things