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Best Poems Written by Haxer Ling

Below are the all-time best Haxer Ling poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When Can I Decide

We live in a world of brainwashed morality,
A world where the assumed romantic preference is the opposite sex,
A world where we expect people to marry and have kids.

I thought about having kids as a kid,
Marrying and having a family,
But it was not set in stone, and I questioned it.

Then I grew a little bit,
The idea lost its sheen,
And I began to think “no.”

Then I went through puberty,
In which I told you “I don’t really want kids,”
To which you said, “You’ll change your mind.”

Time has passed,
I am no longer a child, and my answer is now “no, under absolutely no circumstance.”
My answer’s been final for year on end, yet you still say the same thing.
“You’ll change your mind,” “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” “You’re too young to know what you want.”

Why is is important for me to have kids, even when I don’t want them?
The world is full of unloved people, and I would only add another.

I know what I want,
I have my values,
I don’t want kids,

And that’s my final answer.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2018

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War and Peace

Terrifying, dangerous
Burning, destroying, spreading
Fire, bullets, olive branch, white flag
Flowing, reconcile, neutralize
Calm, quiet

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019

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Time's Up

Time’s up,

Time’s up,

Time’s up,
Take a stand.

Time’s up,
We’ll rise up,
To meet these inequalities.

Time’s up,
Rise up,
Make your voice be heard.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2018

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Burning Earth

It scorched the land and burns the tongue,
Our undoing,
An apocalypse
Made by us.

The plants wilt as we all suffer,
The planet’s cracked down to the core.

There is no hope of turning back,
As the gas slowly kills us all.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019

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Bye-Bye Baby

I didn’t get the right to choose
To have you.
You were not conceived out of love,
But violence from a stranger.

I cried nights on end
About the thought of you.
I never wanted you; you should not have come into this world,
Especially not like this.

I tried to get rid of you, but couldn’t.
They refused to let me vacuum you out of my womb,
Because the rape has more justice than I sin.

I had an idea of what I would feel, if they let me did it.
I imagined the pain and decided
It couldn’t be worse than a child knowing they were never loved and
Were given to a stranger like an object.

You’re in my arms with a smile wider than the sun,
Your eyes sparkle and light up,
You’re happy, but I’m miserable.

I don’t love you,
I can’t.
You remind me of the pain,
The struggle,
The past.

I’m sorry I couldn’t prevent you,
Maybe you will find someone who’ll love you.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019

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I hear what you say behind my back,
The words you say,
How you feel about me.

You call me daughter,
Say you love me,
Kiss me goodnight,
But mean none of it.

You think I lie,
But I’m not like you.

I may lie, but I don’t make you think I care.
I don’t break your heart,
Your mind,
Or your soul
Because I’m not you.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019

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The Dark Marches In

Sorrow comes as the night sets in,
For tonight there are no stars.
Can we let the darkness win?

Death’s soldiers come marching in,
Collecting the gifts from Life.
Sorrow comes as the night sets in.

Why don’t we just give in?
The dark is always their.
Can we let the darkness win?

People have tried to fight Life’s twin,
But life betrays all to Death.
Sorrow comes as the night sets in.

All that is and all that’s been
have surrendered to Death’s soldiers.
Can we let the darkness win?

The night is silent with a dreaded din
as we know there’s little time left to live.
Sorrow comes as the night sets in,
Can we let the darkness win?

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019

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Dear Love

Dear Love,

Find me someone sweet,
Someone nice,
Who likes me as me.

I hope they are funny,
Someone who smiles for, and because of me.
A person I give joy to, and someone who can do the same for me.

Somewhere in the world,
They must be searching for me,
And when we meet,
We won’t know.

I want to know I love them when we fight, but come back to each other.
I want to know I love them when we hit a wall, but together hurdle over it.

I know they won’t be perfect,
But that’s what I’ll cherish most.

Dear Love,

If there’s someone in the world for me,
Be sure to say “hi,” and send them on their way to me.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019

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Dancing Fish

Out of the shadows
Into the night,
Under the moonlight gleaming
In graceful arcs,
Scales flashing in the light,
The ballet ends at dawn’s first light.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2018

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To the Lost

So many women,
Lost to time.

Mileva Maric,
Helene Kaufler-Savic,
Chien-Shiung Wu.

In a world of men,
Their lights in shadow,
We’ve left their memory to fade away.

The pedestal they deserve
We gave away.
Away to men who were so very wrong,
To men who took the freedom of others,
To men with brains, but no heart or humanity.

Thomas Jefferson,
Albert Einstein.

These men of history, and many more,
With their large shadows
Bury the names of women who were their equals.
Names that time and history have erased.

Margaret Sanger,
Yuri Kochiyama,
Rosalind Franklin.

These women with minds as brilliant as those of they men with which they were forced to compete with,
These names which few know, but changed the course of history.

In remembrance of them,
A moment,
To the women that were lost.

Copyright © Haxer Zhan | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things