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Haiku Writing Poems

These Haiku Writing poems are examples of Writing poems about Haiku. These are the best examples of Writing Haiku poems written by international poets.

Premium Member cape cod murder she wrote
fictional seaside village 
mystery writer sleuth...

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Categories: writing,

Premium Member flowers
summertime flowers
sit in the pretty garden
smiling to the bees...

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Categories: writing, beautiful, garden, joy, summer,

Premium Member Bookwell
Bookwell Primary
scratched scribbles on a slate
a poem for Mum...

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© Peter Rees  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: writing, child, mother, poetry, school,

Premium Member Haiku: Little Songs of Nature
"O blessed Java Sparrows mostly, the rare Opals then the plentiful Greys--palm frond squatters, and the ever so oft, Mejiro birds, a.k.a., the "Japanese White-Eyed,"...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: writing, appreciation, beautiful, bird, happiness,

The Tortured Poet
She picked up her pen 
There were monsters in her head
Tortured poet's life...

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Categories: writing, art, life, mental health,

Premium Member writing haiku
five seven five wrote 
fingers tapping as words thought 
vision forming words...

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Categories: writing,

Premium Member haikus beauty
what is haiku 
three lines of god's beauty wrote 
nature at its best...

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Categories: words, writing,

Premium Member Haiku And I
writing a haiku
short simple interesting
bit lazy also...

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Categories: simile, writing,

Premium Member disturbed
with dalmation dots
by poet and her ink pen
white snow is disturbed...

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Categories: writing,

Premium Member Confessions
A person's acknowledgment of wrongdoing such as mine when I write senryu, haiku and monoku and label them wrong...

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Categories: truth, writing,

Haiku Translations III
These are original haiku by Michael R. Burch and his translations of haiku by the Japanese masters Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, Masaoka Shiki, and others....

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Categories: writing, blue, life, night, old,

Good thing about pen
You can write all you want it
Never worry then....

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Categories: appreciation, art, engagement, writing,

Happy National Poetry Month
Senryu, haiku, monoku, and haibun,
quotes, free verse, iambic pentameter.
Poems about love, death and religion,
for you from the pen of this amateur.

Limerick and footle to make...

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Categories: writing, poetry,

Premium Member Many poets but none the same
I am just simple 
rhythm and rhyme I am not 
complex words are not 

poetry is life 
refreshes mind and body 
makes my brain think...

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Categories: writing,

The Note
Written in a chit
Love is like a chewing gum
You chew, you spit....

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Categories: imagery, meaningful, silly, writing,

Book: Shattered Sighs