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Brave War Poems

These Brave War poems are examples of War poems about Brave. These are the best examples of War Brave poems written by international poets.

Premium Member The Sons Of Valiant Blood
We are the sons of valiant blood
with a past crowned with glory,
and that richness is still ours
to build a brighter tomorrow for others
who will come...

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Categories: war, anger, anxiety, death, fear,

To Netanpony and 'Its' Sponsors

Just like all the clever monkeys,
Before you swallow a big peach,
Make sure you can, as brave women
In their agonizing childbirth,
Excrete its big, hurting kernel.

No comments,...

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© A. Hemmati  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: war, world,

Premium Member Isreal and Palestine RAP

Yo, I’m Israel, the land of the brave,
From ancient times, my roots engrave.
A homeland promised, a dream fulfilled,
In '48, my state was willed.
I built my...

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Categories: war,

Premium Member 911
By Franklin Price

Three and twenty years ago
Terror rang its awful bell
In the midst of New York City
The great and tall twin towers fell

Slammed by hijacked...

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Categories: war, america, anniversary, freedom, usa,

Premium Member A Hero in a Man's Army
    When he grows up he wants to be
        a hero in a man’s army

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Categories: war, courage, fear, hero, soldier,

Premium Member Satan's Creed
When sin entered Lucifer’s heart,
the war against God he did start.
Why should angels be ruled by law
when in them could be found no flaw?

Satan offered...

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Categories: war, conflict, desire, eve, evil,

Premium Member Written in Wasted Pity
I pity the refugee’s road of flight,
  the children of the shanty and the gun
who on all humanity are a blight -

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Categories: heartbreak, war,

Premium Member The Rape of Lebanon
The month of August brings with it memories of the Beirut blast. Beirut is once again under attack. I wrote this poem as a tribute....

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Categories: anxiety, war,

Premium Member 'Forward Brave Souls' Victims of Ambition's Merciless Will
“Up men to your posts! Don’t forget today that you are from old Virginia.” 
– General George Pickett

Beneath Gettysburg's sun a merciless blaze
Stood Pickett with...

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Categories: war, death, history, slavery, violence,

Premium Member Paleface - Redskins
Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower
As sails made the most of the breeze
Longed to make home in a brave new land
Enduring the most vicious seas
Finally, anchored they...

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Categories: war, america, native american, peace,

Premium Member Braveheart
Onward mere mortal man
Your stoic heart abides
Armor clad you make a stand
To brave the swelling tides

Quiet of conscience bred
You fight the torrid breeze
Over feudal lands...

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Categories: war,

Premium Member Be Ready To Face Awful Times
The easiness and affordability to obtain things 
makes us unaware of laborers who diligently  
make them with sweat, creativity and geniality; 
there's an air...

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Categories: war, death, drug, fear, leadership,


My hero never walked in a Memorial Day parade
No doubt he was the bravest of the brave
And that is what I call a hero

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Categories: war, america, courage, depression, freedom,

signed to the message

do your bit for king and country.
are you a coward?
or are you brave?
so now is the time to sacrifice
you don`t want to let your mates...

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© Markus Jay  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: memorial, war,

Premium Member Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
needs a swift ****-bootin'!
Stop inflicting so much pain
on the brave people of Ukraine!

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© Jim Healey  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: political, war,

Book: Shattered Sighs