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War Triolet Poems

These War Triolet poems are examples of Triolet poems about War. These are the best examples of Triolet War poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Percussion's Groove
 Sound of the drumbeats stirred a move
 As they gathered for the war dance
 With movements to percussion's groove
 Sound of the drumbeats stirred...

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© Joseph May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dance, war,

The Soldier Goes To War
The soldier goes to war; the nation cheers him
Peace, pained now, has sad stories to narrate
The chance of his coming back home seems dim
The soldier...

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Categories: life, soldier, war,

Of Thunder and Storms
Thunder and storms over trees in rage
Waves in oceans and seas converge
Birds and beasts in wilderness forage
Floods and heavy rains that gauge
Gales and leaves and...

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Categories: anger, depression, rain, storm,

Premium Member When Poppies Bloom
Time of the year when poppies bloom
Turning the flowering meadow scarlet
Reminds of a famous poem of gloom,
Time of the year when poppies bloom
In Flanders Field...

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Categories: flower, memorial, memorial day,

Premium Member The Chosen Ones
The Chosen Ones 

              They were the chosen ones who wore their...

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Categories: abuse, corruption, death, history,

Premium Member On Visiting Arlington Cemetery
Row upon row of white crosses speak
Silently of the insane frivolity of war.
Arlington is the stark reminder I seek
Row upon row of white crosses speak

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Categories: remember, soldier, war,

Premium Member Phantasmagoria
The sky reflects the broken bodies laid out. 
      Blood soaked field and severed heads skewered on pikes. 

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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dream, heart, war,

Premium Member The Darkest Hour
All the grey gun smoke, cannot hide,
The black of this blackest night
A place where no willow sighed,
All, the grey gun smoke cannot hide

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Categories: war, world war i,

Borderline Insanity
In the heart of my mind
Rages a war of navigation
Each passing sun.

All compasses broken,
It has become a maze
And I am a stranger to me.

My anthem...

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Categories: society,

Lost in a cocoon of my design
I stare into the dark
My eye wary of teary drops

Nightly clouds clad together
Floating in the ocean above
Raise a war...

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Categories: death, death of a

Those Who Wave Banner of War
prisoners of their past
criminals of the present
victims of invincible future

enjoy victory
miss the future
full of haunting ghosts...

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Categories: irony, truth, war,

Premium Member Picking Hazelnuts
I recall being four years old
and picking hazelnuts with mum.
Fall was chilly, but not too cold,
and we'd picked some to be sold.
Your dad's off to...

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Categories: anxiety, beautiful, child, emotions,

Premium Member Disquieting Momento

Lone leaf upon the earth is red,
amidst the mountain’s grief of dust.

A civil war sent boys to bed.
Lone leaf upon the earth is red.


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Categories: sad, war,

Charitable Gifts To the World
General’s gifts of war is admired
Devil’s gifts of sin is sweet
Terrorists’ gifts of death is a wonder...

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Categories: nonsense, satire,

Double Up
O soldier comrade of mine in war doesn't pay the voices any mind incessantly.
Avoid post-traumatic stress disorder stay subordinate stay ordinant.
When it's time to shoot...

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Categories: military,

Book: Shattered Sighs