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Tang Poems - Poems about Tang

Tang Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tang to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tang.

We love those church bells, do we not? Such chimes, such rings! Are you a churchy type? Or, like me, are you not? Those bells we hear here do have a rather angelic sound (though, as we know, there are no...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, atheist, feelings, history, joy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Koalas Love a Cooling Tang
cooling tang upon my palate- eucalyptus leaves sleep comes- a one-track mind’s exhausting nature’s way is the best- fine dining ...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, animal, cute, nature, poems,
Form: Haiku

Mommy Tang
Mommy Tang she so funny she so smart Mommy Tang has the best of hearts she wiggles and moves with the speed of a tiger sometime she laughs like love is taking her so much higher and If she takes...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, best friend, caregiving, celebrity,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Someone Call Up Wang Chang and His Brother Tang
Houston, We've Got A Thang.... Bang Bang, Rush It Through The House Where's My Butt Hole Mouse ? How Mow Brown Cow Black Cinderella, With Her Tic Track Fella Singing Acappella Do We Have An Accord Take It To...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, art, love,
Form: I do not know?
Drink Tang, dang what a bang!...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, drink, emotions,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Journey To the West In the Tang Dynasty-N
As early as C.629 a Chinese monk Xuanzang of Jingtu temple Motivated by the poor quality of translations of Buddhist scripture Undertook a hazardous journey to bring the original from India Despite the border being closed at...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Sometimes days drag on I look for solitude within the masses trying to blend in, with the fishes Unfortunately, too colorful. Hues that dialate pupils upon peering Even in darkness, simmering, Incandescent Impossible to slumber. Don't know much about myself Look like...Read the rest...
Categories: tang, hope, life, philosophy
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry