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Funny Symbolism Poems

These Funny Symbolism poems are examples of Symbolism poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Symbolism Funny poems written by international poets.

Chaos and Being
Our entire universe is of chaos
endlessly churning away,
So how the  do you expect us apes
To find meaning each day
While we're burning and learning and...

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Categories: symbolism, age, dark, funny, introspection,

A Celestial Trap
Got stuck in a celestial trap,
Found myself nowhere within the gap.
Fell only for the crap,
Driving me insane with this verbose map!

Poke my nose, pinch my ear,
Don't want to...

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Categories: symbolism, blessing, emotions, funny love,

The boy who can't feel
Beware the young bastard that was birthed here by sin,
The silver haired boy beneath large piles of bricks...

Beware, beware, the young boy named Cage.
Beware, beware,...

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Categories: dark, fantasy, silence, symbolism,

Blades of glory
Traveling within the darkness. 
In shadows I am hidden
Clinging to the light.
Love overwhelms me.
Upright I stand.
You are my mirror. 
Reflect the sunshine.
Abundant hope fully alive.

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Categories: symbolism, beautiful, christian, funny love,

On Point
Pith is pithier than pithy
-it’s not a question of if.
You know atoms are tiny
when you get at ‘em.
Sometimes they’re the point.
Meanings have layers
like lasagna.
Two or...

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Categories: symbolism, 12th grade, allusion, body,

Premium Member Taylor Swift She Is Not
Rants do not make great songs
Rosanne Barr I am sorry to say
not so great in a thong
when you sell no tickets
you have no show

Unless you...

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Categories: symbolism, analogy, funny, integrity, mental

Artful Discord
A picturesque portrait
tightly embraced with golden grace
in the aisles of the orchard
torturing watercolors vividly displayed

Now how do we interpret
all these riddling shades of grey
so silently...

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Categories: symbolism, art, funny, metaphor, perspective,

The World Is Too Funny To Be Angry
The world is too funny to be angry
What mr A deals with 
Is same with what Mr B 
Is dealing with 
It might be in...

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Categories: symbolism, africa, confidence, dedication, husband,

Premium Member Love Those Who Love You
Love those who love you
Appreciate those who appreciate you
A dog never bites its owner
If a dog does just that, it ought to be gently put...

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Categories: symbolism, funny love, humanity, i

Premium Member Peter's Clock-
Peter had a clock he just learned how to walk
And when he was asked what time it was all he could say was tick tock


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Categories: analogy, funny, symbolism, word

What You Say To a Cat What a Cat Thinks
What you say to a cat what a cat thinks

I want to lick everything you look at everything there’s nothing over there for you that’s...

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Categories: symbolism, adventure, allegory, angst, animal,

Premium Member Shadow Worlds In Faint Disguise
Sometimes shadows creep across the distant meadow
Casting a pall over the broad field of aster and daisy
Before drifting across the fence row to our bungalow

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Categories: nature, sunshine, symbolism,

No One Is Wiser Than God
No one is wiser than God 

I can't trade no more in ignorance
While I can see the light

I can't walk no more in shame
When I...

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Categories: symbolism, africa, dedication, deep, devotion,

Waithera,My First Love
Sometimes I feel I know nothing about life

But I do know something about Kenya

I come from the gustily, hilly terrains of rural Ingavira

Where huts form...

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Categories: africa, devotion, history, symbolism,

She Is Kenya
As Kenya lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person...

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Categories: symbolism, africa, feelings, for her,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things