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Sylvia Poems - Poems about Sylvia

Sylvia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sylvia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sylvia.
Leaves, A Sonnet
J. Smythe with Sylvia Plath Amongst the trees he walked, a distant form, She, like the leaves, danced in the summer breeze. The plan, he'd hoped, would keep her safe and warm, Suddenly, she demanded her release. The summer passed,...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, allusion, anger, anxiety,
Form: Sonnet
Beyond the Pane
Villanelle: "Beyond the Pane" B. Marquardt-Alexander with Sylvia Plath and Ima Gen (credited to all) In sunlight's haze, I stare beyond the pane, A world outside, where love and joy remain. Where freedom calls, my heart begins to...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, absence, allusion, wisdom,
Form: Villanelle

My Favorite Women Poet's That Committed Suicide
They sang to stars, to flowers pale with dew, To hearts that bled beneath the waning moon; Yet every song they wove from sorrow grew, Each note a dirge, each rhyme a fading tune. The world too heavy, pressing...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Sylvia Plyth Effect
Oh, tender heart, too full to bear, With words like fire and frail despair, A mind too sharp, a soul too raw, Seeking solace in the flawed. Through brittle days and endless night, You poured your pain in streams of...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Sara Teasdale Died
The night swallowed her, quiet as the sea, Where the waves carried whispers, heavy and deep— Sara, a ripple lost in the currents of time, A flicker gone dark beneath the moon's hollow eye. Oceans curled their backs to...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

The Abuse Of Sylvia Plyth By Poet Husband Ted Hughes
In her frail hands, she held the flame, A flicker bright, yet bound to fade— Her words, like stars, her heart aflame, Her soul, a scarred and shadowed glade. Beneath the weight of unseen chains, She sang her sorrow, soft...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Silver Solitude on Storm's Edge
I emerged / born with a silver pen in hand …and a tempest raging within. Words writhe, a serpent's coil …tightening their grip A soul adrift in a sea of …self-made iniquity. I buried my daddy …in the black shoe …by...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, mental health, mental illness,
Form: Narrative
The Closed Path of Sylvia Plath
Beneath the moon's melancholy glow, Inclosed secrets began to grow. A journey cut, a tale untold, In the closed path, emotions unfold. Her words, a labyrinth of despair, Yet beauty in each poetic layer. Through the closed path, a haunting maze, Sylvia...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath ? In this world danced her words, in a poet's breath, Sylvia lived in realms of love and strife, Her verses weaved from darkness to bright wreath, A soul immersed in tumultuous life. With pen in hand, she bared...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Remembering Sylvia Plath
What she might have been was hidden Beneath self-destruction and depression Despair so black it silenced light, war-ridden Life without purpose, true love forbidden Leaving darkest doubt lost in the impression What she might have been was hidden Her emotions, joy...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, angst, anxiety, confusion, death,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Sylvia Stays Sedentary
Sylvia stays sedentary still seeking superiority Sometimes summarizing situations so subtilely*, Suddenly somnambulistic, she slips silently Sensing some sarcastic silliness, soon senility. *alternate, archaic spelling for “subtly.” SECOND PLACE WINNER Written June 28, 2022 For "Begin With a Letter"...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, fun, word play,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Dear Sylvia
Why, in a gas oven, dear Sylvia, did you stick your pretty, middle-class head? Was the life of upper suburbia too much for you that you'd rather be...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, death, depression, father daughter,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member For Sylvia Plath
For Sylvia Plath So where do you float now; Genius of misery Keeper and kept Of those mysterious bees? You would frown at an epitaph, I know. But epitaphs are inevitable, You know. Anyone who's read your lines Wonders how you did it; How those lines,...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, appreciation, poetess, tribute,
Form: Free verse
Sylvia Plattitudes
Lying in my bed, I gazed at the ceiling. A star's advice ran through my head: Don't let other people define you, You know yourself, no one else does. Lying flat on my stomach, I felt my feelings. Accustomed to...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, death, dream, memorial, sleep,
Form: Acrostic
sylvia was it really you those last weeks of your life? from the first wide-eyed disbelieving horror at the ice-killer in your womb but you were still strong then, strong sylvia, shouting, your blonde hair swinging, throwing pillows at the nurses when they...Read the rest...
Categories: sylvia, change, death of a
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry