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Streusel Poems - Poems about Streusel

Streusel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about streusel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for streusel.

More Poetry Writing Stimulus
...More Poetry Writing Stimulus Devour More Power Each Hour Sour, shower, cower. Bragging, dragging, sagging. Nagging, bagging, gaging. Hired, Expired, Fired. Desired, Tired, mired. Evolve, res......Read the rest...
Categories: streusel, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Holiday Baking
...Chocolate snowballs, apple crisp, fudge and brownies too. It's that time of year again when only homemade will do. Apple pecan stuffing, a treat to go with pork. The tenderloin so perfect yo......Read the rest...
Categories: streusel, holiday, time,
Form: Rhyme

Last Course, Please
...Something sweet for Thanksgiving Glazed Apple Cream Pie Mix and beat and stir ti......Read the rest...
Categories: streusel, food, nostalgia,
Form: Epulaeryu
I Like Cake
...I like cake, any kind at all, give me cake, forget the chicken and slaw. I know my shape is changing fast; how much longer will these cravings last. Blueberry Streusel or Chocolate Devine, an......Read the rest...
Categories: streusel, funny,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs