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Sports Sonnet Poems

These Sports Sonnet poems are examples of Sonnet poems about Sports. These are the best examples of Sonnet Sports poems written by international poets.

Bull Riding Sonnet
You see the young man settle in the gate,
helmet on his head, armor on his chest,
the big, gray bull rustles, showing his hate,
they call him...

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Categories: america, animal, anxiety, crazy,

Premium Member When We Idolized
  ~ A Sonnet in Iambic Tetrameter ~

  Remember when we idolized
    Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, and Shoeless Joe ...

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Categories: celebrity, hero, loss, sports,

Spring Skiing Sonnet
The sun beats brighter than it did last month,
with mercury up in the low forties,
my time is running out for winter fun,
March is such a...

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Categories: imagery, light, seasons, sports,

Premium Member Bye Bye Fat Me
I can’t believe it’s really me
Waist to head, I’m a Christmas tree
From this fat, I’ll never be free
A healthy life I’ll never see

I gained a...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: addiction, body, change, food,

Cheer more than chase the ball
Here are a handful of hysteric men 
That seem to run random in rationed time,
To pour sweat whatso be the reigning clime, 
Chasing the ball...

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Categories: football, sports,

Natural Snow Sonnet
It comes from the sky, white, powdery gifts,
upsets may, but gets us vibrating,
we call in from work, get cover for shifts,
no way we are not...

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Categories: imagery, light, seasons, snow,

Snowmaking Sonnet
Two rust-red tubes running up the hillside,
by the wood's edge, hidden just in the trees,
they have water, and compressed air inside,
pumped up the mountain to...

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Categories: fun, light, nature, seasons,

College-League Baseball Sonnet
Small stadium built in the late forties,
minor-league once, but has been left behind,
built with girders and backless, wooden seats,
a local relic of an older time.

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Categories: america, appreciation, baseball, imagery,

Premium Member Summer
High-spirited sports car enthusiasts, burning rubber
and speeding in the wind. Motorcycle lovers, making
high-sounding noises. Birds singing by day; crickets
by night. Fight off the mosquitoes, wasps,...

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Categories: summer,

In the Heat
I won a chess game in the heat, they say that
chess players are nerds, like Robert the rat,
he comes into my garden, can't escape my...

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Categories: games, health, sports,

Ski-Racer Sonnet
Sitting astride a frozen mountainside,
eighty others waiting their turn to go,
on the slope blue and red gates a path scribe,
a man says, “racer ready;” so...

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Categories: senses, snow, sports, winter,

Mucked Up Moon
Erroneous mirror scatters his face
        Mills his skin into thin porous powder

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Categories: 11th grade, childhood, moving

Premium Member Once Upon a Time In Hong Kong
Away the land of the flame tree blossoms
  Orient blown athwart a yellow moon,
to hearken the far sound of dragon drums
  and ride...

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Categories: adventure, sports, travel,

Premium Member Centurion
 Friends, Romans, Countrymen, gathered in awe
   to watch The Master and his name exhort,
 and at the crease blazoned a century score

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Categories: sports,

Premium Member Leopards Loose In the Domain
Out of a neon jungle the big cats prowl
  the wind in the willows unrecovered,
for when the cats and wind begin to howl

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Categories: friend, games, sports,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things