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Nature Simple Poems

These Nature Simple poems are examples of Simple poems about Nature. These are the best examples of Simple Nature poems written by international poets.

Only Wandering
If one's purpose could be to wander
From great fields of grass to vast tall tree forests
No concern of sustanance
A soul sustained only by experience
A world...

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Categories: simple, beautiful, deep, freedom, introspection,

May we be blessed to find joy 
in the simple beauty of nature
In everything we hear and see:
From the marvel of a single drop of...

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© Jim Yerman  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: simple, nature,

Premium Member Life’s Secret
In the quiet morning, light pierces the dawn,  
Each ray a soft reminder:  
Breathe deeply,  
Step forward without hesitation.

Moments cascade like a...

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Categories: introspection, life, simple,

Premium Member Clouds of Grey Hues
Clouds of grey hues,
Swim across the air above. 
A dove is flying high,
Racing to reach his nest below. 

You can feel the rain, 
Drizzling droplets...

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Categories: simple, 5th grade, april, beauty,

A simple poem to celebrate Earth Day
Swinging on the colorful rainbow swing,
a cute angel preening its delicate wing;
Singing the mystical rhythms of Earth,
she listed the affluence of earth and it's worth.


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Categories: simple, analogy, animal, earth, earth

Premium Member Unadorned
So unadorned is nature's gift to us
with flawless forms of animals so pure.
Their coats and faces stand out with no fuss,
as nature does provide inborn...

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Categories: beautiful, nature, simple, surreal,

Dew's Freedom
Morn’s glistening dew
Softly clings to blades of green
Sunshine sets them free


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Categories: simple, beauty, color, day, imagery,

I am a poet - part two
I am also a prose poet, navigating the realms of expression unencumbered by the shackles of rhyme. In this vast expanse of literary freedom, I...

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Categories: simple, introspection, poems, poetry, poets,

All That I need
Sunsets of ruby and emerald seas
     Sapphired moonlight that beckons with ease
Jewels that require no wallet of greed 

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Categories: simple, beauty, color, earth, how

If January Was a Person
If January was a person,
they would be a force of nature.
Relentless and unforgiving,
but also, beautiful and full of life.

January would be the type of person

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Categories: simple, friend, fun, january, life,

J is for joy, the feeling of a new year
A is for adventure, the promise of the unknown
N is for nature, the beauty of winter

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Categories: simple, beauty, imagery, january, nature,

Don't Croak
There once was a cocky male frog
Who met a cute toad on a log
She thought he said “Ribbit”
In fact, he said “Rub it”
Now he’s belly-up...

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Categories: simple, fun, humor, lust, nature,

Premium Member Simple Pleasures Worth Sharing
In a busy world I don't take for granted simple pleasures
like snuggling with a loved one on a chilly winter's night
Saving keepsakes of the things...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: simple, appreciation,

A Simple I Love You
There are places we can go to when we are feeling blue,  
inside our little earth paradise lives nature in every shade and hue....

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Categories: simple, appreciation, nature,

Premium Member If I'D Seen the Hungry Dino, I'D Not Be Dead
If I'd Seen The Hungry Dino, I'd Not Be Dead

Stars spits light and belts, grows old and nobody cries
Universe slyly winks and eternity sees truth...

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Categories: simple, creation, deep, fantasy, life,

Book: Shattered Sighs