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Spring Sestina Poems

These Spring Sestina poems are examples of Sestina poems about Spring. These are the best examples of Sestina Spring poems written by international poets.

Colors of Spring
The last snow of winter
blown by the wind
bares the gray
of branches to the sun
pregnant with buds.
Is it spring?

Testing spring 
torpid from the winter
sleepy tiny buds

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Categories: spring,

Picture This
It was just a random picture
 captured by the eye of a camera,
some poor rendition
 of time and space in transition
and all the while within...

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© DM Babbit  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: absence, age, time,

Birds of Future Springs
Bird watchers say
 there are birds that return in spring to play
build a nest, raise their young
 but as seasons change there are always some

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© DM Babbit  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bird, spring, time,

Premium Member Embracing Poetry
Embracing Poetry

Freedom on the lam where the poet sings
To hearts imprisoned against their will;
Inspires the bereaved mind to spring to life
And uplift hearts bloom burst...

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Categories: inspiration, muse, poetry, poets,

Colors of Spring
The last snow of winter
blown by the wind
bares the gray
of branches to the sun
pregnant with buds.
Is it spring?

Testing spring 
torpid from the winter
sleepy tiny buds

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Categories: spring,

Winter Sestina
Winter sestina								
on summer nights she cupped love in her heart
tasted the honey of a gentle kiss
and the heat of an exotic garden,
she roamed in a...

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Categories: time,

Sestina Title 1a
Often after the fallen snow is swept, glory
Is found when the treading surface is clear.
A light dusting is a breeze to remove. For heavy slush...

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Categories: nature,

An Analysis of Sadness
The other day I heard my friend was sad.
I met him to ask him about the reason
but, he was upset and his mood was very...

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Categories: sad,

Premium Member Flying

Before I ever thought of age
I dreamed of running through the woods
And lifting my feet from the ground and flying.
Only a few inches up, not...

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Categories: age, flying,

Premium Member Lament the Loss and Nurture Hope
Drought cooks a garden; 
foliage’s veins and arteries burn.
One wonders if rain will return; 
the ground, an abstract of cracks.
Baked by the sunlight, 
plants retreat;...

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Categories: earth, environment, nature, poems,

Premium Member A Changing Heart
Longing for heart-quiet
in the inevitable fall
into Winter’s short days of sun
forwarding to Spring’s
longer days — a circling back
in the sameness of time.

Heart-and-mind-numbing time
with no respite....

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Categories: absence, autumn, conflict, easter,

Gardener's Labor
The bitter lips of wind kiss veiny petals
between the moon licked eyes so close
it forms a bond of sinew riddles 
that only seem to be...

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Categories: beauty, care, creation, earth,

My Sources of Joy
In slowing my breath I embody delight.
My mind is peacefully still, comforted
in meditation by compassionate warmth.
I am consumed by effortless pleasure,
enraptured and filled with a...

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Categories: happinessme, me,

What Is Joy
The sun is risen, another day is here like a movement.
Eyes are meeting with a glance.World's invisible smiles.
The day break of our youth, the distance...

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Categories: lifeday, night, light, fire,

Premium Member The Joy of Mother's Love
It begins with the joy of giving birth
Continues even after the moment of death
Life, like the scope of all man's music
Opening and closing passages of...

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Categories: life, lovejoy, life, time,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things