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Friendship Senryu Poems

These Friendship Senryu poems are examples of Senryu poems about Friendship. These are the best examples of Senryu Friendship poems written by international poets.

True Friend
A true friend is a
Fighter who has time to aid
A friend in trouble....

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Categories: engagement, friend, friendship, perspective,

Friendship's not with age
Not with social status
It's companionship....

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Categories: character, engagement, friendship, perspective,

Premium Member why?
(a story in Senryus)

I can’t figure out
why everything doesn’t
happen like I want.

I brush my teeth and
floss regularly, I wash
my roommates dishes,

I am generous,
I don’t run...

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Categories: fashion, friendship, humor, life,

Premium Member Hitting the Slopes
skis on our shoulders
     slopes covered with fresh powder
          smiles on our...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: beautiful, friendship, fun, nature,

Premium Member I Felt Like A Book
I felt like a book 
very tired old and worn out 
needing rest on shelf....

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Categories: feelings, life, old, people,

Premium Member Friendships
Can you be my friend? 
I am lonely and need friends 
I am a good friend!...

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Categories: friendship,

Premium Member Friendship
Many friends have I met 
filling life with memories
and good times...

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Categories: friendship,

Premium Member She's a Fine Girl
poetess of love
heart of a warrior princess
starry eyed dreamer

*tribute to Brandy Nicole, a soldier in the cause of truth and justice... and love...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, friendship,

Friendly Solution
Having friends is great
Try finding time for them all,
I know, let's gather!...

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Categories: friendship, time,

Premium Member Autumns Bonfires
Bonfires capture moods 
laughter and friendship is shared 
smiling children play...

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Categories: fire,

Premium Member Touch a Soul Senryu


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Categories: friendship, happiness, internet, thank

Premium Member Souls Shift
I'm all that I am
Without being all I'm not
Friendship fills the gaps...

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Categories: anxiety,

Premium Member Sweet Friendship
value sweet friendship
be quick to resolve problems
don’t let the sun set


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© Mark Toney  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: encouraging, friendship, love, sunset,

Premium Member - Manipulative Friendship -
your sense of humor

    the darkness drifts through your eyes -


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Categories: people,

What a friend
we have in possums
eat ticks...

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Categories: animal, friendship,

Book: Shattered Sighs