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Mystic Yet Rationalistic

Are you an optimistic realist
  or a realistic optimist?
Are you a fatalistic humanist
  or a humanistic fatalist?

Staunchly capitalistic rules out socialistic
  but can't socialistic flirt a bit with capitalistic?
Artistic may be wildly narcissistic
  yet is narcissistic necessarily artistic?

If nihilism goes ballistic
  Are ballistics then nihilistic?
Calvinistic is never hedonistic
  but might hedonistic become Calvinistic?

The theistic frown on the atheistic
  yet the atheistic themselves were once theistic
The egoistic are not likely to be altruistic
  but the altruistic may well be egoistic

Linguistics is so much more than dry statistics
  yet statistics make or break theories of linguistics
The opportunistics are not naturally idealistic
  but the idealistic must often be opportunistic

Can something simplistic be pluralistic
  or something pluralistic be simplistic?
To be perfectly objectivistic
  ~ I am frankly rather pessimistic

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Bar None No Shortage of Soap Shampoo, Nor Detergent

Bar none, no shortage of soap shampoo, nor detergent

Courtesy food pantries
Saint Eleanor's Saint Mary's,
Our Daily Bread,
the missus and yours truly (her spouse)
well stocked with good n plenti of
soap, shampoo and detergent.

Spongebob squarepants
would be in seventh heaven,
where sudsy clouds (resembling
Mister Krabs, Plankton,
Sandy Cheeks, Squidward, et cetera),
would drift across celestial vault.

Gratitude bequeathed to prophets of virtue
benevolent good samaritans
who trend righteous true
to the calling of helping hands who renew
faith (mine) in goodness of humanity
assisting not only yours truly
and the missus, but people
from South American country named Peru
or even indigenous tribes
accorded recognition comprising
population of inhabitants occupying New
Zealand, offered reparations

under the Treaty of Waitangi,
a process of reparation allowed
Maori to be fully recognized
at political level in lieu
of unfair practices inflicted upon
original occupant loosely similar
to descendents of long lost tribes of Israel,
endowed with (pure tin) pride
wishing I too could call myself proud Jew,
nevertheless attraction manifests destiny
(mine) someday to learn Hebrew.

Courtesy atheism more so Unitarianism,
I need not adopt
an explicit dogmatic, fanatic, humanistic...,
lunatic, narcissistic, puritanic... paradigm,
but only tout poetic justice (mine)
to recognize laudable traits
linkedin to orthodox faiths,
albeit rationalistic rubric
that caters to selflessness

for no other reason
than allowing, enabling, and promoting
random acts of kindness
without any forthcoming great expectation
downplaying remuneration,
no matter destitution begot mein kampf
hard times living within bleak house
slight hyperbolic exaggeration
poor as a cheesy church mouse poet.

Lemme coast to a fitting conclusion
bringing reasonable rhyming blather
originating courtesy me noggin,
within which wool doth gather
thus I a halt and
dial down philosophical lather,
cuz most likely
ye dear reader would rather
experience palmolive oil slather
preparatory to full body massage.
Details | Political Verse |

Great Recycling Retransition

Icons are funny things,
she thought.

Heaven feels like a warm light circle
when we are thriving
and more like a cold dark triangle
of weaponed tipping points
against me
and mine
competitively not communicating
when we are barely surviving
above the mortally terrifying bottom
of God's most worthless non-elite.

Ancient right-brained heaven
a circle of prominent light
shining down on a mountainous YangEarth
of triangulating Power
to discern Win/Win co-empathic outcomes
for co-redemptive sacred relationships
of YangHeaven/YintegralEarth
sacred/secular green-capital communion.

Newer left-hemispheric Earth
a reasoned tipping point hierarchical AnthroEarth
win/lose zero-sum whole Earth-systemic view

In-between Win/Win supreme choices
at God's most enlightened transcendent Top
best day,
and Lose/Lose survivalist voices
bedeviling our least empowered
despondent AnthroWeaponed
violently nonverbally uncommunicative
bottom of hopelessly non-democratically enlightened
existential despair worst night.

Here, sun's circular warm light
co-empathic embracing right
is ironically entrapped
by win/lose survivalist capitalistic
heterosexist monoculturing might
of hierarchical pyramids
to past unchanging royalist traditions
of might makes God right
more than win/win liberally loving
left win/lose verbal cognitively weaponed
mind heart-disembodied egocentric
anthro-privileged comparisons
to improve strategic competitions

Where Heaven
shining down on gratefully receiving Earth,
researches win/win natural/spiritual
seasoned cycles
surrounding left embodied hierarchy
for surviving unhealthy ego v eco
left competition triangles v right cooperative circles
minds v hearts
yang strength v yintegral flow
heavenly light overpowering Earth organic powers
of reflectively experienced 
sensory life
revolving in seasonal light/power circles.

Heart paths are circular
while mindbody triangulated
v win/lose
v lose/lose bottom nihilistic predators
longing to resume rightful thriving sensory space
atop this iconic triangle

Elite Yang
v integral Yin
vulnerably transparent weakness
for linear time's relentless devolution.

with verbal language
and geometric icons meeting
greeting re-emergent
re-ligioning conscientious re-memory
of God's divine eye
looking down
in and out 

For warm-lit
pyramids humanely made
on mountains divinely designed
left-brain verbal communication dominance
so appropriately tooled
for winAnthro overtop priority
against threatening EarthClimate survival issues,

Now returning to equilibrium,
interdependent waves
of transcendently EarthPatriotic grain
growing in well-seasoned healthy cycles
of fractal Annuals
growing under full-octaves
of ultra-nonviolet light
encircling win/win bright
health/wealth thriving circles
encompassing left-brain enlightening tipping points
north greets south,
east meets west

As enlightening SunLight
empowers all EarthTribes
here deeply and widely learning
listening for compassionate communications,
bicamerally co-mediating EarthMatriarchal
with SunPatriarchal co-empowering intent.

Great Green ReTrainSituation
emergent now needing
to switch from Yang strong autonomy of voice
to balance in win/win communication
with Yintegral strong light
flow of Yang empowering
resilient Circle/Triangle
Triangle/ReCycling co-reflective strength

LeftBrain cooperative win/win
politically co-invested choice-making

Prefers EarthCentric outside pleasure celebrations,
natural/spiritual indigenous story-retelling,
singing and dancing,
replacing monoculturing left brain dominance
of win/lose bottomless triangulating debate
strangulating self-infested compulsive competitions

Of overly secularized
disconnected egos
straight white privileged advancement
through military-industrialized
violently weaponed BusinessAsUsual
reductively dualdark lose/lose
dissonant win/lose
cognitive hierarchical world views
overpowering inductive encircling views
of sensory seasonal recycling

Reiteratively rationalistic
compulsive bipolarizing disempowerment,
lack of health wealthy systemic light,
chronic stress
inducing further lack of peaceful sleep,
critically reduced right brain dream 
warm circling yellow/green light 
copassionate non-violet communions

Ironic recycling
great retransitioning
Circle/Triangle multispectral 
inside outside revolutions 
including funny/tragic bicameral relationships
s/he co-arisingly win/win sacred feels,
then secular hears,
then theologically sees,
then ecologically thinks
in four dimensional climate consciousness.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things