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You searched All Keyword(s): policy statement in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Mr Lousy Repented

An unsettled soul seemingly always chasing propaganda 
voice from the equator, a quarter of a roar but heard in Uganda
he’s a member of a serious interaction, that’s a fake platform
on reputation’s policy, he can’t just conform
his name is a broken glass, his hand is slim
sunk so deep, to retrace will be a hard fought win
the atmosphere created, to more than most isn’t prissy
any unverifiable statement, is painted messy
mind’s never cold, blood’s never warm, traits are preposterous
his touches and sights, always disastrous
only from his lips is a Lion’s mane a pony tail
landing straight into spam are this person’s returned mails
shoulders may be high among peers but walks pigeon-toed
on character’s savings, he has so much owed
less than a metre wide is his only existing bridge
as no coin is left in the weight of his prestige
restitution dials, he picks and replies
his portrait can now be accepted in the community’s panoply
this his newly starched garment has astound
for everyone to wish he comes around.

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Exasperated Inc

I’ve read your status updates
And admit I’m frazzled
Your mind reads like a puzzle
I’m running behind

Much uncovered 
But nothing discovered
Subtle signals. Clever optics 
Quit these tactics
I need time to recover

Some portend collaboration
My approach is one of aberration
Simple policy 
Be more cognitive
Think outside the data bundle
That’s how you solve a riddle
Words in reverberation
We need some moderation

The cumulative logic devastates
Piles of thought sediment
But I’m still a fan 
Your work still speaks to my taste
Every post is a sentiment
Fiction or Fact 
That’s not pertinent 
My ear is an expression of interest
Every sentence is a statement
I take it all in stride
I’m not the one wearing stripes
Every appearance is its own story
And of course
A story within a story
Each of which leaves an impression
Pictures on the walls of memory
Posited for future reference

And every story is intimation
of insinuations, a collection 
of secret inclinations, a betrayal 
of indications, a crowd 
A murder of crows demanding royalties
My job it is to gut and auspicate
A master of cognitive elements

I’m this close
Free to make some inferences
But not at liberty to disclose
Yes, I’m close
Details | Narrative |

The Ballymurphy Massacre

Martin Luther King junior was the inspiration
For the Northern Ireland, Civil Rights association
Protests were held and they marched peacefully
The unionist majority tried to stop them brutally.

The campaign gathered momentum it was nineteen sixty nine
The unionists issued warnings that they were crossing a line
Discrimination against nationalists in Northern Ireland was rife
All they wanted was equal rights and to live a peaceful life

The situation deteriorated and the army were deployed
The unionists were now confident with England on their side
But the violence escalated against the nationalist minority
The IRA surfaced to protect the nationalist community.

The British introduced the controversial Internment without trial
And started arresting everybody that they had on file
Even those with a speeding ticket were added to their list
And they used brute force against anyone that tried to resist.

On the eleventh and twelfth of August in nineteen seventy one
The Ballymurphy estate was targeted and a roundup had begun
Six hundred British soldiers, were deployed there that day
Dragged out men and boys who were then taken away.

Soldiers opened fire and murdered eleven innocent people in cold blood
They lied saying that they were fired on and by that statement they stood
Some people who went to assist the dying, they too were shot dead
A soldier found a man on the ground and shot him point blank in the head.

A soldier put a gun in one man's mouth as he lay on his back
In a mock execution that caused, the man a fatal heart attack
Those that were murdered were unarmed and posed no threat
The British army acted with impunity and a precedent was set.

A shoot to kill policy was in place but this was denied
The authorities were determined the truth they would hide
Investigators often met a wall of silence, with contradicting lies
Missing files and missing witness statements came as no surprise.

Finally a verdict was reached and the coroners statement said
Each and every victim at Ballymurphy was unlawfully shot dead
The verdict found the victims innocent but there was bittersweet tears
Because the victims families challenge to the state, had taken fifty years.

A former soldier who witnessed it gave evidence, and had this to say
That many of the soldiers involved were like psychopaths that day
Many were on a high and determined to make their first kill
In their psychopathic minds it gave them some sort of thrill.

Richard Dannatt who was a former chief, of the British army
Described as shameful what happened, that day at Ballymurphy
He concluded that a thorough investigation should have been carried out
Maybe it would have opened Pandora's box of that I've no doubt.

Written 22nd January 2022.
Details | Political Verse |

Understated Yet Overheard

I'm not comfortable
talking about racial differences,

Or even racial
or sensual similarities.

I know what you mean
or maybe I do.
Something intimate and personal
about melanin
and hair qualities
and what lies red-blooded
under shared and segregated skin.

I remember when long hair quantity
was an anti-patriarchal political statement,
maybe even anti-capitalist economic divestment;
But not political empowerment/disempowerment qualities
like "good" hair
or "black" hair
or "kinky" hair
or "Aryan" blond hair
or "much too blond" hair.

I'm uncomfortable
talking about kinky sex, too.

I'm hearing something about mixing
personal and political.

I know, right?

Like, when did the decision to have a baby
or not,
because of emergent climate pathologies,
impending drought
and hunger



Fierce and frightening windstorms

Future failure of insurance
and financial
and healthy-democratic v fake-populist government systems
become more than merely personal?

I don't know.
I'm starting to see reality of power-centers
the eco-Other way around.


That personal climates
and characteristics
are also politically empowering
and/or disempowering,
often with economic
investment and/or divestment
Not partisan, especially,
but essentially political,
like positive and negative cultural power.

When was the last time
someone told you,
"It's not personal,
I'm just not ready to commit"
"It's not personal,
it's just a time and money budget problem"
"an administrative decision"
"come down from corporate"
"change in [impersonal, generic, general] policy"
"a decision [choice] made upstairs"
about a group of individuals
of which you, unfortunately,
are a now unwanted part.

As if,
because it's political
or economic policy,
it can't become legitimately felt as personal
or even familial empowerment;
like capitalistic corporately learned responses
to multicultures of diverse brown melanin
and black anti-monocultural kinkiness.

My favorite
is when people ask me
not to confuse religion
with politics
and economics
and sensory awareness/dissociation.

I know, right?
Like most of Earth's human population
or would place their faith
in politically impoverished
or economically disempowered
communitarian cooperative communication
and spiritual-sensory nondualistic 
history of enculturing
 LeftBrain predative education
and ecofeminist formation failing systems,
reformation healthy democratic global networks

UnLike ecologically failing subclimates
and theologically monoculturing racism
and sexism
and straight white patriarchal privileged
left-brain dominant systems.

Personal systems.

And political.

And economic.

And social-psychological

Multiculturally transmitted

Whether by democratic constitutions
or divinely inspired scriptures
or patriarchal lines of spiritual masters
teachers with diverse levels of aboriginal melanin,
and good or kinky hair,
and those upper eyelid folds
I'm not sure I Western trust...

Book: Reflection on the Important Things