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Details | Political Verse |

Wandering Sorceress

Maybe because I have on my public health hat,
my ego searches for more ecotherapeutic subclimates.

Maybe because we wear our ego/ecotherapeutic climates inside,
Real Whole EarthTime bilaterally searches 
for wealthier public hat health.

Maybe because I'm reading Sorceress and Her Wandering Apprentice:
Gaia and Her Wondering ReSourcefulNest,
Iain McGilchrist's neurological left and right interdependent networks,
facing Bill Plotkin's sometimes West and East,
North and South,
bilaterally cognitive and emotive,
health care secularly egocentric
and sacredly ecosystemic direction

Sometimes facing ego/ecological Wins and mono-illogical Losses
wearing revolutionary eruptive 
ego-bilateral hats
invited to return home
to intrapersonal bosonic wombs 
by winYin/winYang cooperatively effluent flow-power.

But, regardless of redundant win/win cognitive resources
for invitations to health-solidarity,
more integrity powerful than win/lose hotly debated
emotive recourse
to liquidating win/lose wealth reservations,

I wonder wander
If national democratic encultured health problems
with unaffordable and inaccessible delivery systems
and win/lose political game-playing
could ever become sufficient
for all pathological capital over-infested conditions,
and newly emerged biotic left-yang information,

Would ego wanderers in ecosystems
be more effectively addressed
more resiliently co-acclimated
through international cooperative win/win dialogue
and decision-making
and global health care design
and effective wealth implementation
through non-violent co-empathic communication?

Conversations begun through cooperative invitations
to win/win bilateral therapies
may be intrapersonally
and interpersonally healthier,
more nurturing and nutritional,
than continuing with divided
blaming and shaming
defensiveness and hypocrisy
paranoia and schizophrenia trends
toward further rabid lose ego economic benefits
and lose ecosystemic power viability

Through degenerative white supremacist
nationalistic western supremacy
left-hemispheric dominant win/lose divisive debates
between right-mind prominent cooperative hats
wearing both/and win/win co-facilitators

Resourcing left-ego yang-dominant
competitive either/or ego/eco-manipulators
seeking how to optimize
integrity's co-operative health/wealth trajectories.

Details | Political Verse |

Sometimes People Share

Sometimes pandemic people share
pieces of our unspeakable personal story

That no health care worker,
sex therapist player,
or green resonant systems organizer
wants to hear,
much less smell,
or touch,
or deeply feel...

I flinch, sometimes.


Maybe flirt with longer-term
to protect myself
from suicide
to protect ourselves
from ecocide.

Make sure I'm OK
for now
right left here

And agree with my hurting
therapeutic parenting
wounded child
revisiting this past
and present chronic stress
including emotional panic
of darkly changing
and corporate monopoly
money decapitated
by compassionate EarthTribe
commitment to green cooperative

And agree with my hurting adult child
to resist this emotional panic premonition,
inhaled trauma,
physical mental
natural spiritual
shamed and blamed
punished and neglected
disempowered and unenlightened
unless unconditionally revisited
for further bilateral reflection

To wonder how this bad news
from good people places
is OK to tolerate,
engage with active curiosity
good humored faith
soon as we cannot disregard
what to do with all those unemployed
and too often unemployable
post-traumatic perpetual soldiers

no compassionate rush
about defusing nuclear bombs,
unrushed by unpatriotic fear
that climate degeneration
isn't also an awkward
forecast for nationalistic
America First
post-pandemic economic depression,
universal disregard

For now,
return to deeply listen
for internal trauma,
as yet avoided

Nightmares of Lose/Lose
so far avoided
on our U.S. watch
and witness when Othering
karma turns toward Us.

But, again,
no worries,
no knotted panties,
no habitual sad-limned lines

and unseemly
despite longer-term property
and embodied health concerns
about global economic dysfunction,
disturbingly addictive,
spiritually seductive,
physically superlative
self-entertaining chronic medications

Avoiding deep dark meditations
with even more win/lose despair
that slow-grown suicide
feels interpersonally familiar
walking heavily through
melting ecocide

who is this
remembering witness
who flinches?
And is s/he
the same Yintegral green voice
compassionately speaking
that We are co-empathically OK
for now
left right here

But reserve a StraightWhite Privileged choice
to revisit unconditional regard again
as soon as this wounded ecofeminist child
takes this chance
to speak HiStory's Trauma

And re-imagine together
how we will,
next global warming climate post-pandemic,
re-support each Other
with compassion
and cooperative corporate co-investment

Knowing we will always do long-term battle
together Flinching
while co-arising
ego-centric hurting Voices
making less than Win/Win
health-wealth therapeutically optimizing
BiLaterally CoIntelligent Choices

Not really accessible
when out on the darker side
of physical/spiritual addictive substance empathy
flowing somewhere between
temporary dopamined up serotonin escape,

Flirting with unsacred suicide ideas
and afflicted by nihilistic despair
of globally disempowering
and locally unenlightened

But, again,
who is this governing witness voice?
this supremely indigenous 
EarthTribal choice?

Who sings a full resonant hope
for future healthcare
choosing blue/green resilient
revolving EarthDay
for, and from,
a full whole systemic
ecofeminist Win/Win choice

For more YangStrong
Yintegral Flow balance,
polyphonic harmonies 
of light,
synergetic equities 
for power
resonantly bright.

Sometimes people share
winter hibernating gardens
of dualdark
not-not despair
ego/eco duo-side,
duo-decimating inside
HIStoric genocide.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things