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You searched Exact Keyword(s): falling in category: for her and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Shadows of You

just another dream
falling beneath your wink
calmed in the shadows of you.
-James Kelley 2014, All rights reserved.

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He wants to say "I love you,"
But keeps it to "Goodnight."
Because love would mean some falling,
and she's afraid of heights.

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All That I'D Ever Want

All That I'd Ever Want
Would be to confess my love 
As I hold you gently, embracingly in my arms

And to appreciate your beauty
While falling every day, over and over
For your sweet loving charms
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Falling Deep

One eye open, ready to fall asleep.
At that very second memories of you start to creep.
There's no possible way now that I could count sheep.
Cause in love with you more. Is the only place I'm falling deep.
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- Envy -

I envy your lightly veined eyelids,
For upon a pulchritude so glorious they rest.
I envy the falling drops of rain,
For your amber hair they fondle best.
I envy the so bright sun 
For to you it sends warmth and fun.

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Falling For You

Even if we in the space where there's no gravity I still fall for you and if we were to be in a ship I will breathing underneath the water.... And if you ever think I will be leaving you I promise to always be with you like your shadow even in the dark......
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Tuppence a Bag

Bluebird, it's cold outside today
So be it, you just stay
In here with me, I'll keep you warm
And wrap you up inside my form
Rest your wings within my love
While snowflakes falling from above 
Just serve to make the scene surreal
To be with you is my ideal
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A Snowy Evening Walk


Oh, Yes it is so bright;
Outside it's glistering snow falling light;

Hands held we walk in park;
A snowy evening walk;

As we caress we talk;
Cool loving breeze feels very right tonight;


For Contest :Rhyme Me A Poem...A Snowy Evening Walk
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Oh Maiden Fair


Oh Maiden Fair
On the yard in the moonlit night
Ah! Fair maiden, playing the ladle
Crossing lefts while going right
Canvas curtain covers while your bathen
Oh Maiden Fair
Under light
In the night
Beautiful maiden music you're playing
You have princes and kings falling

written  words by James Edward Lee Sr.©2018
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Once Again

In the early morning light
I awake to face a brand new day
I kiss him,I brush his hair away
Once again,falling in love.

He turns his body close to mine 
Whispering in my ear
I love you,you take my breath away
Once again falling in love.

We are never far apart
Living life as one
We're happy,I know we'll always be
Once again, falling in love.
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Please Demote To My Heart

Instead of rising to the skies please demote to my heart
if you don't,my heart will fall apart when my heart was falling from the night
he found your hair so strong so bright he grabbed your shiny hair so tight
your hair became an abode for my heart he found delight from the light of your side
Now my only dilemma is;where are you,your hair and my heart.
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painted lady
spread your wings

Thighs of color
pose your love

I light
candle flame
for you
I am
consumed by fire

Since my house
has burned down
I can see
the moon more clearly

I gaze upon
your Eden
falling upon me

I run blindly
to you
as you mount
in my garden

As I hold you
in my arms
do not
let me feel
your departure
upon my hand...
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I should stop now or forever behold 
You’ve got me there from when you said hello
You don’t know how crazy I will sound 
If I say don’t leave just stay in my ground

How I feel now, ill sing through dark clouds
Will it echo and bounce back so profound
Questions still I should stop now being around you
For I’m falling so fast not even nature can adieu …
Details | Dramatic Verse |

So Deep I Am Still Falling

And as the bus hit a bump,

She turned,
And my eyes met her eyes,
and like black holes
They drew me in,
So deep I am still falling,

And now I wonder,
If this spell could be broken,
or do I each day wear another chain,
falling further to a place,
where not even light can escape.

John Roberts

(This poem came to me in a half-dream state this morning)
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Falling for You

Lilac is such a beautiful scent
A poem of fragrance that never gets spent
Same for you, my desire, it doesn't run out
It only keeps building, it will not see drought
Overrunning its banks, yet a self-contained flood
That wends its way, coursing, warm, heating my blood
A strong flowing current that brings me to you 
And into your arms I fall, fall into mine too
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Lost Soul Wondering

Lost soul - wondering in beauty 
Shedding baggage from your grips
In tow time to work 
You outshine all that have been

Catch my falling soul 
In no rush to have misery 
If I held you tight
You wouldn’t break -

       E                           T
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Impulse 53

I didn’t pick you to be
my muse, the same way 
you don’t decide
to fall in love. Love isn’t
“alright, I’m ready to
give everything I got 
for you.” Love is “no
matter how hard I try,
I can’t get your damn
face out of my head,
and I really want to 
see you right now.” 
So, don’t tell me to 
get over it, because 
this isn’t some mountain
you can walk all over.
This is climbing up
falling stairs.
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Ann and Gilbert

A cabin in the woods, just you and I
Big white fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky
The morning lasts all day, the clock is standing still
The fireplace is roaring, removing any chill
A big, soft cozy bed, fresh coffee in the cup
A homemade woolen afghan, in it we're snuggled up 
With books to read and a guitar to play, this scene is one of bliss
And as long as I'm with you it can't get better than this
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Laughing Eyelashes

How am i still falling in you...
While my beard gettin white.

Why that kiss still hugs me.
Every morning, every night...

Why your melody
still whispers In my ears
Which can barely hear drums.

Why my tears tastes so sweet,
While my eyelashes seems
laughing louder than my lips
When i think of you...
                                    ~ ankit dedha

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Snow falling down from the heavens
Birds floating round in a whirr
The worlds most breath taking moments
That was before there was her.

Stars sparkling high in the night sky
A sunset that made the world stir
All of these things were perfection
That was before there was her.

The world for a breath stopped turning
The most beautiful moment that where
Never had there been such completeness
Never until there was her.
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Before the Falling Sun

Apart from works of art,
And the speed I might possess,
Have you ever thought,
That I truly am the best?
All I ever want, 
Is for love to grow and last.
I'll withdraw my heart,
Should it never come to pass.
I'd like to fall in love; 
Could we love each other back?
I'm fighting mind and heart,
For love I hope to have.
Let's not fall apart,
If together we should be.
I'm sorry if you've not,
Ever seen the best of me.
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Eyes Like Black Coffee

Wishing you feel the same
im dreaming just to keep sane
i can’t think of anyone else 
like no other i’ve ever felt.
Do you know? how it started long ago?
these feelings that i can’t let go.
Your pull, stronger than gravity
sucked me in rapidly
i’ve been falling into you
can you feel me coming through?
Seven years in free fall
you can have it all
With lips catch me softly 
hold me, with eyes like black coffee.

By Nicholas A. Bello
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Tenderness Love Forgotten

Once you see her 
you want to kiss 
her, as she passes 
you by, like a leaf falling 
in to the watery lake, 
of tears and pain, 
with her tender 
heart that's been
shattered, as the sun 
sets you, try not 
to follow her, 
but you can't 
resist her tender lips, 
with her tender love, 
she has given to 
you, so you try 
not to think of 
the past, but its 
not so easy, 
to forget, as you 
have to walk away, 
to say good bye.
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Towards the Horizon

When the tide was high
I loved to hang over the edge.
Rising and falling.
The gap widening then closing.
No longer visible to shore.
I'd lean over.
The wind thumping me in the chest.
My lips peeled in joy.
Well conditioned hair.
My fingers lost in wave after wave.
The sails filled in a gust.
My fingers folded between the current. 
I a stow away.
Finding my way to the helm.
My hand lost in a sea of hair.
Sailing towards the horizon
Details | Monorhyme |

You do wear a crown

Maybe it's in the elegance of your hair falling like a gown?
Or the majesty of you; invisible, but you do wear a crown
A smile like no other, in defiance of every frown
Is it just me, or does happiness follow you around?
To just hear the beauty of your voice renown
The pools of light within your eyes, I certainly could drown
They are ethereal; not often, though, do stars fall down
So worthy is your acquaintance; it brought me to this town

Book: Reflection on the Important Things