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Jacob's Ladder


News is out; Armageddon is upon us, and it is time for all of us to go 
The world's armies have all gathered, and they are putting on a show
Heaven is calling and, everyone wants to know just where they stand 
Before packing up their worthy goods; and, off to the Promised Land

After centuries of rejection; all want show, their claim, of being a Jew
Even a whole bunch of Aborigines; who just nobody, even had a clue

They took every boat, plane, train, bus, car or, pushbike to get there 
Even the Muslims rushed so much; they did not, even stop for prayer
Palestine was the hot spot; whilst looking for some bloke called Jesus 
Some found a guy called Moses; and, they thought that was a bonus
Every ladder found propped up; was then looked upon, in special awe
But; God was just having a moment "cause he knew the bloody score
God had divided us all over across world, north, south, east and west 
Each and every one of us was exiled out and then sent on a holy test
Now each and every one of us back again here at his holiness request
As lined up to see which one of us; was now gonna be flamin' blessed
The Jew boys’ butts; were flapping, they just would, not give it a rest
First in line as Gods chosen children; they forever continued to stress
The rest of us just stood about with D.N.A forms and monies in hand 
Whilst an angel stood at each rung of the Jacobs ladder theirs to man

Inspecting each and every one of us; to see, if we can make the grade 
Bribery, of course, was acceptable if enough to each angel can be paid 

Compassion was even allowed here; as we all stopped for a cup of tea 
Thus the angels could offload their booty; and, have themselves a pee
Rungs unmanned, a few got in; that should not have been there at all 
As Saddam Hussein’s nephew got in; with a phew that was a tight call
The blind and lame on the sidelines thought they didn’t have a chance 
But; the Angels just stopped the rest of us; and, let them all advance
It took twelve days in all; for the Gawd maddening crowd, to die down
Until all that was left was a boy called Sue, and that Clooney the clown

Jacob’s ladder was then carefully hoisted up and was never again seen
No one left except the charlady; who was still cleaning, up the canteen

O’ that other bloke who started all of this; goes by the name of Jacob 
He left not long after we arrived; to have, a few rashers, of illicit bacon

So if there was ever a earth in heaven; we were about to have our day 
It was so crammed packed up there; even Jesus had, nowhere to stay

The queue at immigration was as worse than if we’d been back at home
The ledgers were so overworked at the mouth, they as started to foam

The Jew boys were all busy; and, had already set up their vendor stalls
The rest of us were just stuck in no man's land, with not, a soul to call
Just as on earth when the dosh ran out, we were then shown the door 
Gawd; I really would not have bothered, if I had really known, the score 

But hey; the free-fall back down to earth was nothing short of amazing 
Time; I got home every bone in my broken body was well & truly aching

Armageddon wasn’t so bad given it was only Israel that they blew apart
As I'm now off shopping down at the now, unmanned, local super-mart

Indiana Shaw . . .

Book: Shattered Sighs