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Eighth Grade English

Back in Eighth Graded Class
of StraightWhiteMale English privilege
I learned all healthy narratives
must have at least one
of three tension intentions

Unlike sacred mythic prayer and fable 
multicultures invoking poetry 
flowing soulfully 
provoking gospel primal anthems

Of StraightWhite Man v AnthroOther

Or StraightWhite ManBody v EgoCentric AlienSelf

Or StraightWhite ManSpirit v Earth's Sacred/Carnal Nature

I remain disappointed
by LeftHemisphere narrow-mindedness
of these three Either/Ors
which my RightHemisphere
could more deeply hear
as monocultural lack
of Both/And 
academic career

Both HumanTrauma Teacher and DivineTherapy Student
secular fractured 
And Sacred Synergetic  ReWeaving
integrity's culturally inclusive
compassionate GreeenEarth Communion.

I thought I had seen and heard
lack of heart resources
among AnthroSupremacist early philosophers
and scripture righter downers
instinctively suppressing liberally democratized
polycultural health-systemic passions
polypathic compassion communicating
polyphonic harmonic resounding
polytheistic God/Love language
restorying polyvagal sacred neurosystems
most actively hoping health
among win/win economically enlightened
and politically empowered EarthWomanist
reflective wealth.

I'm sure I still can feel touched gratitude
for more healthy democratic attitude
co-governing cooperative green co-investments
in EarthMother climate
and family healthcare,
public trust
and domestic caregiving
global communionation,
local nutritional wealth 
liberating conservation,

Economically bright
and politically right
ecologically tight relationships
and feed 
theologically mighty cooperative reflections

Politically correct
replete with regenerative 
healthy co-redemptive
win/win multiculturally meditative
mediation strategies seductive
among win/lose monocultural predatives,

Encouraging, perhaps, a cannabis sedative
and easing up on alcoholic dissociatives
drunk from win/lose evolutionary theories
of AnthroSupremacy Wins Earth's wealthiest superlative
despite stumbling into humbling wounds
of multi-degenerational EcoCide

A more Left/Right Wing balanced
evolutionary race theory of white supremacy
notice of intrinsic narrative tensions
between peaceful intentions
and male militaristic might
patrilinear monocultural domination
going way back through misery
of dualdarkness not-not HiStory

Toward brighter indigenous limbic lights
of early monotheistic SunGod Worship
preferring healthier transparent bright
and wealthier vulnerable win/win
co-sensory centering empowerment

Among prehistoric
preverbal family groups
extended co-empathic kin

early regenerational DNA co-relatives
of wavey Time integrity
and atomic faced Space
bicamerally synergetic
circling ladders
and laddered spiral
co-binary dynamic places

PolyHealth feeding
and EcoWealth watering
bilateral co-extensions

InBetween Yang's Open ZeroZone
and Yintegral NonZero Flow
soulful bi-sensory nonviolent response
along polypathic lines
with polyphonic ringing
harmonic cooperative singing
ringing co-investments

In panoramic
historically dramatic
epic textured narratives
of faithful AnthroSupremacists
learning how much we BlueSky love
and GreenEarth worship 
our own 

Political ecofeminist
Green empowering 
Indigenous GrandMothers
who lived and died
long before verbal language
LeftBrain robustly rewarded 
waspy enculturation,
and Eighth Grade English 
privileged class.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Reflection on the Important Things