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Looking At Things From A Different Prospective

I can understand Cowgirls
And some are real cows
But 'Cowboys'?
Shouldn't they be Bullboys?
Why did they call the chimp
On Tarzan 'Cheater'?
I wouldn't play cards
Did Williams Tell spill the beans?
If rabbits have holes? 
Can they be filled again?
So David Bowie thought there was life on Mars?
More life than in my city?
Why go cold Turkey when you could have them warm?
Was The 'Guitar Man' highly strung?
And fretted too much?
Are Canables Vegetarians?
Because they eat vegetables from a can?
If Horses had their way would they want people to carry them?
Instead of being ridden?
Did Little Suzie ever wake up?
Was the Queen bless her ever desperate to get to the throne?
They say the man hasn't gone to 'Mars yet?
But I have been to Mars  Galaxy and even the Milkyway many times in the Grocery store
Why has Victor Sylvester made so many 'Rocky films'
He must be at least 102 ?
Why did Blondie say 'Call Me' when it was her turn
To call me?
Why is 'Beer' so drear?
Why does it cost so much to get to Penny Lane?
Are 'Toilets ' a place where Toys are let?
When you are tied to a post about to be shot
And the officer ''says last 'Cigarette'?
Is it a tobacco maker's' racket'?
But the condemned one wants a packet
And a good long holiday as a last request
Why do teenage girls over here in England
Shave their 'Eyebrows' off
Only to stick false ones on?
A pressure 'Cooker'
Have they got too many orders?
Could the Carpenters make anything from wood?
The Space is an empty place ?
I think they need glasses
They say  Carrots are good for your eyes?
Not if Carrots are stuck in them?
Did The Rolling Stones ever stop?
Bears paws for thought?
Where don't Snowmen enjoy the summer?
Why do Birds only fly south on vacation?
But don't go North because it's cheaper?
Are Baths made in Bath?
Did Joseph Cotton lose his thread?
Do Love Birds ever have an affair?
Why is it when you go to bed with Priscila
In the morning you turn around
Only to find a Gorilla?
Do Swallows swallow everything?
Does my 'Teacher' fancy me?
She always gives me so many kisses
On my school books?
If 'Robin Hood' didn't take from the rich
Why did he wear a hoodie?
There's 'Country''songs
But I have never heard of 'Town or City songs.?
If 'Silence' is golden why don't deaf people
Go on a Gold Rush?
Did Doctor Who know Doctor No?
Is 'Tarzan' really a swinger?
Was Victor Mature, not a child then?

Copyright © Peter Dome


Book: Shattered Sighs