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Nottingham Girl At The Goose Fair Prt 1

Every year In Robin Hood Country Nottingham
There in October, they hold. What is known, as the Goose Fair. It's huge. and goes back centuries, straining the Middle Ages, perhaps even longer.
My pals and I back then worked hard for a pittance just to eat and live
Such hard tough times. I knew what dirt tasted like, and how hunger bites

Many Lads around these parts were so desperate they stole and were pickpockets. If caught, punishments were harsh. You could be hung for stealing A sheep or being a thief. You could be sent to the colonies. just for stealing a stale loaf of bread.

My father was a poacher on the Squires' land  Mr Evens. He once chased us with A whip for apple scrumping  Mother and made such a tasty apple pie.
She was small and portly, but a good Mother who loved us and would tell us  Tales about past folk we had never met.

My Father was in the local Tavern when the king's Navy officers suddenly burst in and he was pressganged into the Navy, for a King's shilling. I never saw him Again I was only nine or ten.

We didn't have much but we shared little of what we had, fifteen in our family, Not uncommon at the time. Seven brothers and one sister died from the fever At a young age. We were so poor, that we couldn't afford a proper burial. So we Buried them in an unmarked grave together secretly on a moonlit night on Master Turner's land.
I didn't have much schooling, I never learned how to read or spell or write my name, I just signed with a cross.

The milkmaid's and the Chambermaid's used to giggle as I walked by.
I never knew why?. The local preacher pastor Tom, told us the most wonderful
Stories sparked my wild imagination. Some about the treasures and Natives in the Americas. I dreamt I'd go there someday. and come back a Dandy a man of means and wealth. Maybe then, the girls wouldn't laugh at me. Mother made a bit of money as a seamstress. I can see her now say by a warm cosy Fire. 

She kindly gave me some Farthings. I kissed on the cheek, she smiled and carried on.
Off to the Goose Fair with my pals. I'd only heard of it, but never been before. 
We walked at least seven miles. But when we got there. We stood there in amazement, our eyes wide open taking in all the activity. This is wonderful all My pals said. Wow!. Like a new dream world far from our humble abodes back home.
It was packed with crowds, so many people, They looked all excited and in High spirits. I'll
There was livestock someone selling pies, Oh the smell was wonderful,so much That made my belly rumble. An old man playing a Hurdy-gurdy. That reverberated all around. The whole place was so full of colour ablaze with dazzling lamp lights.Is this what heaven looks like? I thought. There were so many rides and side shows.So much for our minds to take in. As we weaved Through the crowds. A sea of faces, and many pretty girls. That's when I first Laid my starstruck eyes, Just a few seconds was just enough. I caught her eye, and she smiled, then disappeared, like a Mermaid into the flowing sea of the crowds. I was so taken aback, and surprised. She had smiled at me? No girl had ever done that to me. I was instantly smitten. I'd never seen such beauty
My heart pounded butterflies started flattering, In my belly.p
It may seem a little strange to some,  it was only a few seconds.I was only going on sixteen.o
Although I searched and searched. for her in desperation, I couldn't find her, and my heart sank. I never saw her again I felt gutted but couldn't get her out Of my mind. 
Doubt set in. Did I really see her? Or did  My eyes deceive me?. Did I just Imagine her?.

Then I realised, because of who I was and had nothing to offer, why would anyone be interested in me?.
But I loved the warm cosy waves of bliss sweeping through me.
Some nights, I'd sleep in the summer lying against a haystack looking up at The Old moon and thousands of, twinkling stars, lost in a dream, as an owl Broke the silence somewhere in the distance hooted, and I could hear the sound of Night jars circling in the sky. as a tiny mouse ran up my leg, and I Carefully put her back in her nest with her babies.
I'd fall asleep and in the morning I felt it'sbite, as I woke up all blurry-eyed. With a murder of crows flying above me slowly flapping their wings.

Time moved on, and my thoughts of the girl were almost gone.
Strange, I could still smell her wonderful perfume that wafted, that day, her hair and the smock she wore.

Mother found someone and they wed. There were talks about an old Lady, who Was left-handed, and rumours said, she was a witch. They took her to the pond, on the village green. Placed her, and tied her to a ducking stool.
To see if the rumours were true If she, drowned she wasn't a witch, but if she floated she was, and she did, but wasn't really a witch. They tied her to a post
In the town square, and burned her alive, surrounded by a crowd. Her Screams could be heard some distance away, as the flames got higher. My best pal Tom Who I grew up with, his young sister at the age of ten. Was imprisoned, behind A bricked-up wall, hyp the church never to see. or feel. the warmth of the sun on her face, see the greenery of Sherwood forest or breathe fresh air ever Again. She was, an Anchoress, Her purpose was  to read out the gospels, through a small hole in the wall,to visitors, or those passing by, within here Meagre's dimly lit unfurnished hovel.
Life was such a cruel and unforgiving age.

The girl I saw at the fair, at times drifted into my mind, and I still had idle Dreams of sailing to the Americas and finding treasure and riches, as the Parson once told us. 
My master was such a cruel man, and sometimes he would beat us with a whip In the stables. As I grew I had enough, one day he started to whip me, and I grabbed the whip, and wrestled him down in the hay below. He was hurt and
Later, he accused me of beating him and stealing one of his mares. I was Scared, and panicked, escaping from the local locku


To be continued.

Copyright © Peter Dome


Book: Shattered Sighs