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Reverie in Tranquility

I drown myself in reverie and retrospection, 
when on calm tranquil mornings,
chirping birds entertain my eager senses,
and flowers serenade me away with their ambrosial fragrance...
My mind gets fully occupied with the mysteries of the universe, 
which I will never be able to comprehend!

Birds twitter gleefully to each other,
squirrels scurry in their grey coats,
The world moves slowly, in a lulling pace.
clouds float languidly in the azure sky,
sailboats cruising in the emerald ocean,
anchor not in sight!
Nature in eternity - blissful, picturesque, serene!

I wonder about the eventual truths in life...This is a journey to unfamiliar, ultimate scheme of things, we are all pawns in the chessboard of an unknown skilled magician, who smiles at our arrogance, blesses all his children unaware of the profound truth of life and Death!

We all are on our odyssey…Only at a temporary harbour we pause,
Steer through blissful moments,
Sorrows and misery,
Heartbreak and despair,
We smile, we bleed, we mourn!
We feel elation in the tangerine trifles of a voyage...
The journey makes the difference in a life well-lived,
Not the desired end!

Copyright © Malabika Ray Choudhury


Book: Reflection on the Important Things