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Under a Starred-Studded Sky

Life, a stage under a star-studded sky,
where shadows dance and dreams breathe,
one letter carved the difference between
knighthood and nighthood.

Knighthood, an induction into the realm
of honor and valor, cloaked in the sacred
robes of tradition, a ceremony under
the glaring sun, every move precise,
every word a pledge.

Nighthood, a secret society where
dreams unfold on the darkened stage,
silent whispers carried on the wind,
where the night embraces the unknown,
a realm unseen but deeply felt.

There, under a star-studded sky,
it struck me like a bolt of lightning,
how small things craft vast worlds—
an elusive dream that tiptoes through
the corridors of the mind, one letter
transforming the narrative.

Knight and night, both kneel before us,
their silhouettes blurred in the twilight,
each bearing tales, each a passage
in the book of existence.

I wander, wondering why, pondering
the slight shifts that shape destinies,
letters, words, poems, born from
the fleeting glance, the corner of the eye,
where the star-studded eve births
elusive dreams.

Under this canopy of stars,
I see the fine line between light
and darkness, between roles we play,
the dreams we chase, the words we speak.

Knighthood in the day’s bright glare,
nighthood in the quiet embrace of dusk,
each a stage, each a life, each a world
within a world, separated by
a breath, a letter, a dream.

And so, I stand under the star-studded sky,
where knighthood and nighthood merge,
where life’s stage is illuminated
by the smallest of things,
and I wonder, wander, through the night,
through the dreams, through the words
that weave our lives.

Copyright © Don Iannone


Book: Reflection on the Important Things