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Like An Old Dog

(Luna's last winter, 2020)

Like An Old Dog

'Tis the season to be jolly and merry 
And all that,
And I’m sure there are many 
Right now satiated
And likewise content 
As winter settles in 
And the current year
Soon becomes the old.

But lately I’ve been feeling empty
Like an old dog
Happy to lay around
Happier still to go for a walk
Because even old routines
Lead to freshness.

But even then deep down
Empty and uninspired
Like an old tree
Dormant and ready 
For a good blanket of snow
Without a thought in the world
For something as exciting as spring.

And as I wander about the house
Like someone on house arrest
Fixing one cup of tea after another
Reading one detective novel after another
Nursing a persistent raw and tickly throat 
I think this is the real blessing of winter.

The chance to hibernate
Even when you don’t want to
Especially when you don’t want to
Enjoying the gift of feeling worn out
Lethargic, empty and hollow
With the suffering
That makes it all worthwhile.
It being the elusive something
That can only come from nothing.

Anyway, back to old dogs
Laying around contentedly doing nothing.
They don’t think like this
And so stay in the moment
No matter what it is.


Copyright © James Moore


Book: Shattered Sighs