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Orchid Woman

Oh you know the type—
the orchid woman

a cosmopolitan who cosmo sips
between snips of gist
her charisma a starship —collides
with your star-full eyes
supernova for Casanova
her pouty lips knit a glamour-mag smile 
rows of sugar-white pearls
strung shiny straight
behind wet-red slicks of a Revlon stick
—cherry-juice bait dilates your want to taste

orchid woman’s glamorized mouth
for the masses to idolize
for many to fantasize
for her to tantalize
and advertise 
there’s no need to compromise
with you 
or your penny-candy conversation—
when beauty is legal tender
why invest in a waste of words?

ooh, orchid woman  w-i-l-d
an exotic sun-tanned narcotic
erotic her despotic bloom 
quixotic your contemplation;
your entangled-limbs-expectation 
that this frilly filly blooms just for you
and oh!  just look how the honey makers buzz
and money-makers spend their sums—
worker bees blinded by her blonde neon 
fall in her wake…
or maybe “diamond pro’s” bling 
stings and wrings their eyes
…who cares who falls..
when mere red rose adorations 
and sticky sap Hallmark incantations
bear not the fruits of 24-karat donations— 

Mmm! Mmm! 
her traipse does shake like mango jelly sweet
orchid woman’s long-stemmed catwalk walk;
full-rounded  bouncy-buoyant..  yet racy 
yup.. a thoroughbred— she’ll have you ridin’ high
to your credit and blame
you won’t feel her stiletto tips 
when she diva-gold-digs ya
as nothing more than a runway-ramp
all slinky-strut-hips  
and stay-the-night-vamp
till fly girl wields her strappy high-heels 
in a rhythmical click-clack 
all over the next middle-age stage

indeed! orchid woman
a hot-house hottie
fussy stuffy lil hussy— 
...too much water?
….not enough water?!
oh no! she’s wilted—
sniffle.. snivel.. “where did I go wrong?!!”

mm-hmm.. high maintenance is  s-u-c-h  a turn on…
yeah… orchid woman is  w-i-l-d  (eye roll..)

Copyright © Susan Ashley


Book: Shattered Sighs