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Under the heavy aegis of passing time

Under the heavy aegis of passing time,
Centuries have become a burden weighing upon the moment,
We are more severed from purity than all the ages,
Corpses of empires, our own decay surrounds us.
History extinguishes under our exhausted breath,
The rasp of nations' deaths becomes a background melody,
The curtain of the universe is torn, moth-eaten,
Through its cracks, we see only masks and sluggish phantoms.
Is there love beyond what you can grasp?
Is there goodness beyond your limits?
Is there a reality broader than all you know?
Is there understanding that far surpasses you?
It would be wise to believe so.
For yes, chaos extends beyond the horizons,
But this chaos is a foundation only for those who do not venture,
On the invisible steps of the eternal mystery,
In the teachings of the past lies deep evidence.
The eternal clock pendulates in a heavy silence,
Each stroke, an open gravestone in the night,
Ghosts of old empires, caught in a macabre dance,
In the spectrum of our ruins murmur to one another.
In the mantle of the evening, we wear living masks of twilight,
Trying to cover the decay of our souls,
But through the holes in the curtain, absolute truths penetrate,
Specters arrayed divinely, like banners of being.
Our saga is written in the ash of a bygone universe,
In endless universes, we explore deeply hidden secrets,
In the fissures of reality, whispered answers trickle,
In unknown questions, a network of dreams intertwined.
In the eternal vastness, a sense reveals its wings,
Perfectly interwoven chaos, in its form of wonder,
But at its core, a hope shines with living light,
Beyond all we know, eternal purity is born.
Beyond our limited echoes,
Lies an absolute love, a cosmic goodness,
An unbounded reality and supreme understanding,
Awaiting us, beyond the springs of knowledge.
Thus, in the midst of shadows and hollow suffering,
Hope weaves its thread of eternal silver,
For in the mysterious depths of infinity,
Chaos emerges, but so does the fundamental order of being.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs