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500 clicks down, was code phrase for battle ships gone all depth charge. The deeper you go down that black-holed sink, the more you understand in your oxygen deprived brain, that there is a lesson to be learned in everything, and even the most fragrant of those mourning ablutions, rises eventually to take in the air again. 

Upon breaking the surface, in those unsure waters, you will survey an enormous congregation of floaters surrounding you. You'll understand at that point in time, that an obvious milestone has been reached, and that you now discover yourself in bountiful good company, albeit many mindfully hirsute and understandably (or not) - the more starched floaters - are at a loss for words, due to the tense fact, they are still quite disoriented (obviously in a state of complete shock and dare I say it, humiliation and uber-anxiety, finding themselves buoyed by the pinnacle of "the much better species of floater"). It's all rather complex - but those who like to suck hard on metaphors, just like molly lozengers, will understand it all much more clearly and swiftly. Trust me ;), I promise you that much as a fellow transparent floater. Multitudes of floaters abound in those unclear brackish waters you find yourself dog paddling in; they will keep you company, reach out to you (yes you! you'll feel "the Love", I guarantee you this, for a while you'll feel like you've won the Grand Lotto). "The Reach" is to generously stop you from sinking to the bottom again...they will also feed you. You'll learn swiftly, that they will prove to be an excellent source of nourishment. Dog eat dog and all that. All are floundering for safer shores in more ways than 1. 

Many are disturbed entertainers, quite humorous, others will pull your heart strings and play you like a violin, and some will give you cause to join the resistance. Viva la Revolution and all that jazz. You'll fit in quite well with their insanity and isolated coping mechanisms.

I hear the water could be churning with blood thirsty sharks, when that moment of illuminated awakening finally arrives. Most of the sharks, I’ve been assured by other survivors, are long in the tooth these days and not up to full speed – while they drop down to their knees to collect their dentures which have slipped out of their cavernous carnivorous complaining mouths onto their bathroom floors. We shall call these feeble aquarium specimens with their scarred dorsel fins and their much smaller life sucking sycophantic pilot fish glued to their underbellies attending to their gormless egos, as – “Sliders”. 

Bon appétit mon amis (stet / mes amis)

Candide Diderot. ‘24 

"A slider is an American term for a small sandwich, typically around 2 inches (5 cm) across, made with a bun or dinner roll. Sliders can be served as hors d'oeuvres, snacks, or entrées." 

Copyright © Candide Diderot


Book: Shattered Sighs