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to people like you

I arrive at 789 street, at 5pm.
The navi is on, Mr. Suen calls:
,,Got you, you on your way?"
,,yes, I am coming, 20minutes are pouring waste"
,,Nah no waste there, don't be nervous, see you!"
,,yes, thank you again"
,,no problems."
I look at the cars mirror, my eyebrows forrowed: 
,,He really didn't know what I meant right?
No one is going to know without hacing a type of write"
As I stop my car at the parking lot, I notice the symbol for injured people.
I am not allowed to Park here.
People are exaggerating, I am not paying 10bucks for that.
But it's also unfair to others.
I open my phone: ,,sue"
,,where can I park?"
,,Just Park there somewhere"
,,it's full"
,,c'mon, aren't there any for pregnant moms or injured ones."
,,yeah, but I am not that dumb"
,,you are too serious."
,,no, I am just not acting furious"
,,good, drive 5min on the side but hurry"
,,yeah, my head is not made of your favorite Curry though wait."
The door opens.
,,Ah, great you are here! You want to Start?"
I see a Single pen, well a feather with some blue ink next to a Black notebook.
,,you guys have a good taste.
But kinda odd tho"
,,c'mon don't talk just write"
He pushed me on the chair and pushed me towards the table"
,,yo, chill out man, you didn't ate enough vegetables today?"
,,are you here to joke around?"
,,didn't you call me serious? Why are you acting now like it?"
,,I called you for Business not for Talks."
I smirked.
,,you are kinda sad tho but alright," I sigh
I roll up my my sleeves and take the pen.
It draws purple flowers on my fingers.
Some kid may say people or Suns, not sure.
,,I have blue on my fingers"
,,Damn it adna!"
,,What? Bring me a tissue i need it"
He throws it at the notebook.
,,I am done"
,,what did you wrote?, let me see"
,,you are boring."
He pulled the notebook.:

,,can everything be fine, 
with not being alright?"

,,that short, what do you mean even by that?"
He rips of my sheet of paper: 
,,that's nothing, I thought you are a writer.
,,I am."
,,Of what did you write even?"
,,that I want that between the person and I loved is everything okay now, but kinda also not.
You can not fix any that.
On my part it would be weird and like i would seek anything and on his part it would be meaning that what happend is true.
I don't want to experience that."
,,why didn't you write that down though?"
,,my fingers are not connected to my mind, it's my hand you pulled the notebook off from"
,,The only thing you do is talking right"
,,I love to talk"

Copyright © Adna Demiri


Book: Reflection on the Important Things