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alarming algorithm

 to the faceless 
   names I’ve phased, 
forgive the silent sunsets, 
    frozen in time, 
  and remember thin 
    cinnamon skylines, 
how ink carved compassion 
 across cranberry canvas, cosmically~
 when heaven rained 
   bloodstained rhinestones.. 

I refuse to remember 
vindictive visions 
of virtual vultures~
slithering behind 
  silvery screens,
awaiting vigorous 
vaults to 
 electrify frail fingers,
browsing through 
  trending triolets tangled~
in a gossamer film 
  of sunlit sentiments,
too fluorescent for 
  the ice-mint eyes,
refusing to 
retweet humane hashtags..

I choose to rise 
 beyond malignant memes,
that wrestled aggressively;
poisoned platform hanging 
  heavy with viral lies in 
the midst of an 
alarming algorithm. 

for forgiveness isn’t 
   an aesthetic noun
to be phrased between 
 fervent fogs drifting across
    misty midnight oblivion. 
it is a selfless souvenir 
   we bestow
upon infernal estuaries, 
mirroring the maleficent 
heart of the 
  crimson crescent,
seeing beyond 
  evil that ebbs and flows,
grasping topaz textures~
rippling in
  iridescent light. 

It is in cacophonous silence,
we wipe away 
dust that dwells 
in hues of 
infinite darkness, 
as cold is the sky 
carrying clouds 
engrossed in 
   thrashing crescendo,
and as the evening jewels
    ascend to unravel 
hurt of history, 
I search for effervescent glows, 
delicately shielding 
restless storms 
   within my floral ink;
mercilessly drenched 
in alluring aroma 
  of withered willows~
where promises did 
fade like moving moonscapes,
  above ripples of 
     romantic ruins.
but like butterflies 
that cocoon
  with black-widows,
lost in a maze of 
lethal love, 
  phasing fickle flowers~
  I find the fluttering 
warmth of wildflower kindness,
sprouting hues of 
gratitude amidst 
  an amethyst ambience,
  reflecting runes 
swaying within
redolent reveries 
    of russet rhymes. 

yet I ponder, 
in my absence 
  will you draw 
dynamic stars 
swirling like 
  dandelion dreams?
would rustic strings 
of my bronze harp 
still harmonize 
  soothing serenades,
when solitude is 
     your only tune? 

I hope like 
  astral roses 
     that bloom eternally, 
   I’ll always 
 be remembered
    for the soft colors
of my poetic petals,
and these
  thistles and thorns, 
but a mere metaphor,
   of memories forgotten.. 

Copyright © Ink Empress


Book: Reflection on the Important Things