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Deep within our cosmic fabric hides

Deep within our cosmic fabric hides
The magical, mystical thought that carves the world into waves.
The scarf of the evening pulls over the flight of winds,
Like the celestial dawn that envelopes deserts and holy monasteries.
The air of trams that snake among the stars,
The sun, a cosmic blacksmith, molds with the palms of its rays the threads,
Sparrows that dress caresses in cloaks of flight,
Untamed wilderness of streams, leaping through dreams like time's benchmarks.
And when silence descends, where echoes spread
Over the last glacier, cracking thinly under the weight of early autumn,
And ducks in prophetic choirs claim in a quartet
Above the sound of perfection, where the ice begins to curse and to sing.
And children, guardians of unknown sweetness, in vain
Cry upon the altar of youth, choking in the bitter,
For them, the world is still fragrance and song, the sweetness of days that have been sprinkled,
And they choke in the awkward light, lamenting in the meanders of a shared fate.
Beneath the starry vault, where new worlds are born through the suckling of stars,
In lunar laughter illusions shatter, turning into shining dust,
And a silk tights, magically torn at the knee,
Warm themselves in the sun, becoming in themselves a royal jewel sailing towards forgotten mornings.
For there is resin embracing revered trunks,
And there is me, the heretic who redeemed himself in deceitful thoughts,
Who placed the locks of error over my endless heart,
Only to find out that, no, it is not an epilogue - but a horrifyingly beautiful prologue.
You - have stepped in the gentle shade, a smooth apparition
Into the very pages of my chronicle, at the fateful moment,
And with your smile, you uprooted my roots
From the deep pits of remembrance, as if plucking me from a living crypt.
Now, gravity in the garb of a saraband wraps me,
And I, a creature reborn from the flickering of the painted wheel,
Choose to leave for a sacred sign of life,
The entire paper tapestry of the past - a fabric gently torn from the clasp of light.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs