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Mother of us all 
Powerhouse of all life 
Goddess of the gods 
She is the Bird of birds 
The Beast of beasts 
The Fish of fish 
The Amphibian of amphibians 
The Reptile of reptiles
The Bug of bugs 
Looking out of all our eyes 
She sees everything 
There’s no hiding from Her 
Our gift from Mother Earth
She is Woman
She is the Old Religion 
Before all religions 
Before any books were written 
Before the Word 
Before any words were spoken 
Before language itself 
She is the unspoken word spoken
She is the mysterious, the magical
The wonder in wonderful
She is my muse
She lives in all our dreams 
She is the Dreamer 
There is no escaping Her 
Without her, we don’t exist 
She is everywhere 
She is our energy bomb 
She is the architect of mitosis 
She is the womb of Wombs 
Reborn in us all 
She is the Great Scientist 
The DNA of dna 
She is the epitome of Eveolution 
She is pure, untouched by All 
Totally evolved 
Life opens the door for Her 
Death closes it behind 
She is the wind in the forest 
Her voice is the song 
That echos throughout the Ages 
She is fire, air and water 
She soars within the clouds 
She erupts from volcanos 
She laughs and the earthquakes 
We are nothing, without Her 
She is the Queen of queens 
All kings bow before Her 
Her only commandment is 
                  To love one another 


Blessed Be

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley


Book: Shattered Sighs