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Love is a catastrophe, a bittersweet madness, a wild affliction that invades your soul

Love is a catastrophe, a bittersweet madness, a wild affliction that invades your soul,
Disturbs your peace, devastates your routine, transforming you into a shadow of what you once were,
Each moment under its spell an odyssey of contradictory emotions,
Like a storm sweeping across the fields of your heart, uprooting the fragile roots of balance,
And yet, when love is absent, you feel an immense void, a melancholy that haunts your dreams,
A longing for restlessness, a thirst for tumult, an unease hidden in the corners of your mind.
I remember the first time I felt the wing of love touch my soul like a cold snowfall,
The shivers of joy and despair intertwining in an endless dance,
Each smile being a promise, each embrace a pledge of an uncertain future.
It was as if a sorcerer had opened my chest and planted flames
In the garden of my heart, letting the flowers burn and bloom at the same time,
A story written with stars and tears, an endless song opening
In my soul, echoing with the beat of each heartbeat, each step into the unknown.
In the long nights, when silence descended like a heavy mantle over the world,
I felt lost without that thrill of love, that energy that gave me invisible wings,
And I wondered if it wasn't better to embrace its chaos,
Than to live in a cold world, where silence turns into an icy poetry,
And the darkness, an abyss from which no ray of madness can escape.
Love is a refinement of suffering, a fire that consumes and illuminates,
An ancient spell that whispers in your ear promises of paradise and inferno, each in a moment,
And yet, it is the only magic that gives meaning to breath, the uniqueness of each day.
Without love, you are a traveler on a road without crossroads, seeing the same gray landscapes,
Each sunset a somber memory, each sunrise an unfulfilled hope,
But in love, even pain is divine, each tear a pearl of light
That goes into the depths of your being, changing, reshaping the contours of the soul,
Like an invisible sculptor giving form to the most hidden dreams.
I tried to run from it, to hide in the quiet valleys of reason,
But somewhere deep inside, I knew that without those incandescent wings,
I am just a shadow without substance, an echo lost in an endless abyss.
Love taught me to skirt the precipices of my own fears,
To dance on their edges, to defy gravity with each heartbeat,
And without it, I feel like a beggar of mirages, like gold seekers
Wandering in deserts, always searching, always hoping, always longing.
In the end, I realized that love is a symphony of chaos and order,
A melody of lights and shadows entwined in every cell and thought,
A vortex that carries you to peaks and abysses, offering at the same time ecstasy
And agony, each in a moment that lasts an eternity.
Without love, my existence would fade into a monotonous murmur,
But through love, my spirit sings, even when it weeps,
In this magical waltz of suffering and frenzy, an eternal dancer
In the symphony of the cosmos, where each step, each heartbeat
Is a beam of light in the vast darkness that surrounds us,
A magic without which life would be just an unfulfilled dream.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Reflection on the Important Things