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Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories

Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
- Daniel Henry Rodgers
Beneath stardust's scattered gleam, Her-story, a comet’s tail, blazing across time. Through seasons it molds ...Once hushed now bold We rise like a chorus harmonizing ...In this vast of an eternal fold. For I am Harriet Tubman ...leading souls unseen. A beacon blazing hope, through history's mainstream. Through the tranquil, moonlit ...I had a lucid dream. From battlefields' thunderous roar, courage forever imbued, I am Joan of Arc, ….a warrior's fire, eternally trued. Faith my breastplate, defiance my cry, For crown and country, I stand, reaching for the sky. Like wildflowers careening for sun's golden kiss We blossom from the shadows, where strength will not be missed. I am Sacagawea …with wisdom etched deep, a natural navigator Guided Lewis and Clark, secrets I would keep forever. I am Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, …sparks a flame, Empowering generations for rewriting the same, their claim. To uncover forgotten narratives shattering silence's hold Unleashing voices and stories yet to be told. Across sun-drenched lands and city streets untamed Women stand united, a future yet unnamed. Threads of defiance, a brilliant banner unfurled A harmonious resonance for a juster and kinder world. In rustling leaves carried on the wind's gentle sigh The spirit of resilience, forever standing by. I am Malala, defiant …a pulsar of courage beaming knowledge Education, my weapon, against fear imposed. Ancestral whispers wisdom in their breeze Guiding our footsteps, through sibilant, boundless trees. From bustling factories to laboratories bright Their triumphs ignite, beacons burning ever so right. From courageous activism to fearless flights They shattered limitations, inspiring new heights. I am Amelia Earhart, …soaring through skies untamed, Shattered limitations and dreams forever reclaimed. I am Rosa Parks, …a nova in the civil rights galaxy With quiet courage in a crowded seat did reign Ignited a movement, hearts thundering in the rain. Of equality rising, a tide unstoppable Justice echoing, forever unquenchable. In the slums' despair a beacon so fair I am Mother Teresa, a love …beyond compare. Serving the poorest with grace so pure Her legacy, an endless, sacred tour. I am Margaret Atwood …quasars of dystopian prose With worlds both complex and provocative. Crafts apocalyptic tales futures yet to unload. My words a mirror reflecting our fight, Inspiring action bathed in truth's radiant delight. I am Viola Davis, …with a voice that cuts like steel, Gives voice to the voiceless where injustices reel. A storyteller unveiling truth with a passion ablaze. Empowering others through the characters she portrays. I am Sheryl Sandberg, …an intellect keen and sharp Cracked the glass ceiling leaving my indelible mark. Empowering women to reach for the boundless sky. Building empires, dreams reaching ever so high. Though tears may fall in moments of despair, hope a flight to pursue. ...A flame we all carry, forever a burning queue. For in our spirit a choir rings ever strong ...A tribute to the unsung whose voices sing their song. Let them boldly echo a testament to our might. ...The power of courage a never-fading light. In their stories our destinies take hold ...A fantastic story written in history's narrative folds. May their names resonate, …in every woman's soul! A chorus of strength forever making us whole. Yes, tears may fall in moments of despair. Hope takes flight for all …a flame our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters ...shall forever exhort. So listen to their harmonies ringing through the ages… For They are fulfilling history in the unwritten pages. _______________
"My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou (1928-2014), memoirist, poet

Copyright © Daniel Henry Rodgers


Book: Reflection on the Important Things