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My Husband Preston,My Valentine

My Valentine Preston,
The moment I met you,
I knew that there was something about you,
Something special about you,
I knew I could never live without you,

It's been soooo many years together,
But still,still everytime I look at you I cant believe that we are together.
If its a dream ,then I would never want to wake up,
My love for you is pure and perfect,
None can compare to you,

You fill my life up,with tons of happiness, 
My love for you never grows old through the ages,
I love the way you love me,
I love the way you protect me,
I love the way you care for me,
I love the way you cherish our relationship,

If I didn't have you,
I'm sure I would be a loss soul,
You complete me,in every single way,
How did I?I,me?,Ashnee ? 
Get so lucky to find someone like you, 
I keep asking myself that,

You are my blessing in this cruel world,
I was a broken person,
But with you in my life,
I am complete,

You are my light at the end of the dark tunnel,
You are my love,
Now and Forever
I will forever love you,
Theres  never goodbyes only forever love

Ashnee Chetty

Copyright © Ashnee Chetty


Book: Reflection on the Important Things