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The Great Catching Away part four

Jason texted Ray on his cell phone while they were riding their two separate
city buses in the opposite directions.

"I am so very sorry about my being such a jerk and giving you a bad time when
you didn't deserve it!  He texted a smiling face emo next.  How can you possibly
ever forgive me?"

"I can forgive you, Jason, because God first forgave both me and you.  But if we
harbor grudges and the spirit of unforgiveness in our hearts, Jesus Christ's un
able to forgive either one of us." 

Ray texted Jason back and sent him a healing heart emo message also. 

"What about our families? You moved out because they kicked you out and
you obviously found someplace to stay!  But my circumstances are very
different from yours, cause my family needs my income to survive."

"Remember what we were taught in Sunday School and in our church? If
you can't set a Godly example through your words, than set one by your:
actions, your thoughts, your words and your deeds, so that they can learn
about your Christian faith. 

He is able to forgive both your mocking Him and your scoffing.  Because He 
is faithful and just to forgive us our sins even to them who believe on His name. 
He is the only reason I'm also able to forgive you and you are also able to forgive 
me.  And he was able to restore our relationships and out friendships  much better
than they used to be when we were still high school kids.

Ray was let inside his Open Door church by Veronica!  It was his day to vacuum
the church, the nursery the library and the Sunday school class rooms from 
top to bottom. They also served as their church's Christian school of pre-school 
through grade twelve. 

Ray had dinner with Bob and his wife Veronica and the three of them had their 
evening Bible study and prayer meeting. Ray cleaned up the dishes before he 
said his prayers and went to bed in their nursery room.

Jason still had his green pocket Gideon's New Testament Bible which he read
until he reached his home's bus stop.  His family and Jason's family all lived
together inside the same large apartment complex.  Jason notices that what
Ray left behind after he got 'kicked out by his folks' was already gone! 

This afternoon he told his family that he would get paid again on this Friday
and he would pay for part of his room and board then.  Ray would  pay
his room and board to Bob and Ronnie and not his family any more.  But
they did miss his income!

Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954/October Country
November 28, 2023

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Reflection on the Important Things