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Second Life

      Once a fierce warrior of the night,
with battle scars gleaming 
under the moon's cold light,
a feral feline, solitary and strong,
a singular peculiarity
where loneliness had lingered for far too long.

Roaming the alleys with a stoic gaze,
surviving day to day on scraps 
in a never-ending concrete maze.

But one fateful day, fate intervened,
In the form of tiny kittens,  
innocent and kindred and serene,
warmed her beams, magiced beans
meets cupid in a loose board to a backyard seam,
floodgates a new beginning,
investigated by the other,
followed magnetically complete.
With endearing adopting human family.
Curiosity piqued, the warrior drew near,
to these fragile beings and nothing to fear,
their mewling cries were a melody so sweet,
it brought back a remembrance tear,
it tamed the savage beast, softened 
the warrior's hardened fleece heart enough 
to again beat in sync and stare and produce a purrl 
of loves idiosyncrasies, right then and there. 
Jerechoing the walls of defenses 
of seven sacred circles pacing against instinctual liquefaction for the release of senses.

To thrust again in the feel of kin in it's wild unleash.
Of again trusting in the concept of family and need.

No longer alone in the dark of neglect's night,
the warrior found solace in the kittens' need of guide, guiding light.
A bond formed, unbroken and true,
a token speaking in love where 
translation bloomed anew.

The scars of battle faded into the past,
replaced by a treasure troves chest opened avast,
found again in the eyes of the Angel Guardianed 
KittenPardon, a plot so pure and kind, magic 
of a strange kind-cast upon them all as a unit cast.

As hue-clanity found the warrior finding redemption in order, in their gentle unwind kittenic disorder-
rewinding whisps of feeling, 
Whiskpers of
telepathy, empathy like little wands in the wind. 
Little paws making biscuit love massaged right in, rendered kin.

Copyright © Jude Herrick


Book: Shattered Sighs