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Prayers Answered and Fulfilled

In the greatness of heavens realm there are many chapters of angels
Arch Angel Micheal the great warrior, Arch Angel Gabriel the great
messenger, Angels who tabulate, Angels who sing, Angels who watch
and for Earth the most overworked chapter of all the guardians.

Prayers! Prayers! Prayers! Urgent pleas to math test woes
People who are ill, people who are afraid, people who are hungry
people who are lost. All these souls praying to the Lord above
And it is up to the guardian Angels to collect these prayers,
sort these prayers, submit these prayers and then above all
when He replies rush to Earth to answer these prayers.

Class G 111, five sister guardian angels with a In basket overflow
of prayers, prayers, prayers. Cheerful Charity always helping those in need
when a priest was feeding the hungry what little stew he had left was about
gone, he scrapped the pot to fill the last bowl but the line was still long, pray
with silence for a miracle when he looked into the pot it was full and never
empty till all had eaten. Charity was a great chef and stew her specialty
the bounty of heaven endless and she kept that pot full even left enough
for a grateful priest. Prayer answered and fulfilled.

Angel Faith was stern. A mother's prayers in church for her lost children.
A hungry boy scavenges in a trash dumpster for food. Hunger pains and he
prays for the first time. Faith guides a bread truck passing in the alley
to hit a pot hole jarring open the back door freeing a loaf of bread. The
boy scrambles from the dumpster, grabs the loaf and runs with it under
an old bridge. Hands out slices to his younger siblings but before they eat
a prayer of thanks. That night the children dream hear church bells and
see their mothers face in the church. The boy awakes and sees a lighted church in the distance. The children go there, an evening service, as
they walk through the aisle of the pews they see their mother kneeling in prayer. A hush over the church as the children kneel beside their mother
to pray. The youngest child speaks mommy and she embraces them
much rejoicing. Faith checks it off. Prayer answered and fulfilled.

Grace could hear the sobbing of a broken heart teen girl. Her boyfriend found another and another and another. She kept praying for him back but Grace knew they would do better than that no good for nothing demon lover...
pardon me Lord. The teens mother consoles her, her father a little to glad, her sister asked her to go to the school dance and meet other boys. Grace nudge her head yes with all her might. Off to the dance and there he was but Grace
turn her head to see a handsome young guy smiling at her. they dance that good for nothing...pardon me Lord, right out of her heart. She asked him about tomorrow, he was in church with his family but she could come to.
Grace nodded her head yes. Prayer....

Prudence did worry a little much for a angel, cautious to act but no! How could she get this one. It was meant for Faith or Grace not her. Suicide jumper on the ledge of a high rise praying for forgiveness for killing himself.
Off she flew landing beside him on the ledge. Guy lost everything, wife left, took kids, lost job even dog ran away. Keeps praying for forgiveness but not jumping. What to do, should I... no not that, could I never that. Cops arrive and try to grab him from the window, not able to see Prudence he shoved her who in order not to fall shoved him back and he fell. Firemen caught him in a  safety net. Off to be hospitalized. I guessed I help him  Prudence thought,
prayer Prudence flew off she remembered she could fly and did
not need to push the guy back. She giggled.

Angel Betty might have an anger management problem or two or three.
No time for fools so many souls to help save. Betty looked at her assignment
They got to be kidding that middle school boy again. A math test again. He is
taking the test now and earnestly praying to pass it. Off to school she goes
into his classroom where every kid is sweating out their test. One boy had
answers on his hand, she wiped it clean. There he was in the back praying so
solemnly to pass this test. Betty looked he hadn't even begun just praying.
Enough! Betty appear to him in class. Bobby, Bobby dear, so good of you to
pray to pass this test.  How long did you have to study for it?  three weeks I think,  Did you?  no, Go to study hall lately? no, Get a tutor? no,  Let's see
watched a lot of TV did we? uh, Goofed off with friends a lot? well, Did you by chance take your math book home?  not much,  Did you log on your notebook to do math reviews?  guess not,  Betty was steaming her halo turning into horns. What do you expect now! To pass with an A! no, a B! no, a C! no
Maybe a sympathy D! no, Don't you deserve a F!  not really I prayed.
Not very many people get to witness an angel having a meltdown and
cussing out a middle school boy in front of his teacher and class with other kids, teachers and principal watching from the doors. But Bobby had his come to Jesus moment than and there. Betty arranged a make up test for Bobby within a week and she personally tutor that boy every free and waking moment he had. Bobby passed the test with a C plus. Betty checked it off.
Prayer answered and fulfilled.

Copyright © Fritz Purdum


Book: Shattered Sighs