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Why you should not vote for Nikki Haley for the Republican candidate in 2024 Q and A part two

Q:  Why should especially property owners and home owners hesitate to give free
      room and board to illegal aliens?

A:  This is legal in Washington State:  If you have a person stay at your home, or
      even  your apartment for fourteen days?  You give that person the legal right
      stay there and he/she can evict you by claiming their rights to your properties.

      This commentator also found out,  if you have a relationship with a person
       and you allow him/her to stay in your apartment, you give that  person a 
       legal right to stay there as well.  

      Does that apply in your city and/ or state just  as it does in Everett,

      This political commentator highly recommends you find out for yourselves
      as quickly as possible.

       Rest assured because if it does, your local politicians already know.  Also,
       you can be certain that both Biden and Haley already know but they both
      are counting upon the legal ignorance of the American people. 

      And they are both taking legal unfair advance of this self same legal 
      ignorance!  By using undue influence and even more strongly illegal
      coercion as well.  If people  are going to become non compliant with
      their requests, by exercising their legal rights of 'civil non compliance

      They would not hesitate to resort to strongly highly illegal methods 
       involving actions of 'illegal search and seizure' of your properties
       and/or your rental properties, apartments, condos, town houses 

       If they do decide to resort to such strong arm of the law tactics-
      -they  will be in multiple direct violations federal of several felonies
      and violations  of  our Constitutional Bill of Rights, in conjunction
      with our  United States  Constitution themselves! They could be 
     subject to several multiple class action suits of the American people!

      They could be brought before both a federal grand jury and the United 
      States Supreme Court on charges of  malfeasance of justice, they could 
      be impeached and become incarcerated in federal penal institutions! 

       Since they do not value the legal and the moral rights of the American
       people? How can they be expected to honor our Constitutional laws 
       and our United States Bill of Rights, vote against the both of them!
 Roxanne Lea Dubarry
 Roxy Lea 1954/ October Country
Jan 18, 2024

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Shattered Sighs