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World of Choices

World of choices, 
people of  different colours and choices 
poets write different perspectives for their audiences,  
Sometimes it depends on the locations of the poets. 
Someone who is writing  from Africa
 to be heard universally, 
 he "she" can try his " her" best to portray
 different facts concerning his location
 which can sometime please many people , 
or irritate them when they don't want to hear it,  
which is not a crime as they have different choices. 
telling people more about the problems of Africa,
 while their continents have no similar problems,
 they can be interested or not get interest in the topics , 
it is their choices, 
Which can't stop the poets 
to write positive and negative poems. 
Poetry relay on pains and happiness, 
Some pains of some poets can irritate some people
 who don't know the real meaning of pains 
and call them names. 
Some happiness of some poets can irritate some people who don't want to see them happy.

World of choices, 
people of different colours and choices,  
A poet can make a positive poem to wrong audiences
and turning to be negative in their eyes , 
which is their choices.
Speaking the truths about the danger of racism, 
tribalism,  injustice, antagonism,  
They  are  positive topics which many folks 
 always rejecting, claiming  to be  irritating, 
which is their choices.  
Some good facts can be rejected by majority folks
 when they are not victims,
It always be  their  choices firstly. 
Some people are always happy to hear
 what they want to hear, 
That is how they already set their minds , 
To hear what they want to hear , 
To like who speaks what they want to hear, 
No matter lies , it is what they want to hear...
which is their choices. 
It is sometimes complicating to choose an audience, 
 as poets who always sharing true facts locally
 and internationally. 
Most hated writers are the ones publishing the truths. 

World of choices,  
People of different colours and choices 
Do you want to know their choices? 
Some folks always want to hear good about them, 
being praised most of the times. 
Once writing about their negative sides,
 hate and insults becoming  their sophisticated weapons. 
Once writing good about them daily,
so called love become their daily  songs
which is hypocrisy.  
Oh! That is how  WORLD of choices is about. 

World of choices 
Poetic pens haven't choices 
As what is negative in the eyes of some folks ,  
can be positive in the eyes of  other folks.

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris


Book: Shattered Sighs