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Ignis Fatuus

Okay, okay, I confess. We stole the only hyperdrive ship that wasn't destroyed in the war. But what choice did we have? Our world is on the brink of annihilation. For hundreds of years my species has polluted the air, soil and water. Global wars have decimated once thriving metropolises. Diseases and pandemics are rampant. Our only hope was the construction of spaceships capable of interstellar travel so that we might locate a new world, a new home. But the bombs took them all out, save one. After seizing control of the space station, we did what we must to survive. And so here we are, travelling through the void of space, searching for an M class planet to make our new start. 

Ours was once a proud race whose cultural achievements were of the highest order. Surely, we can reach that pinnacle once more if given the chance. Our sensors have located what appears to be a living planet in a solar system beyond our own. We have engaged the hyperdrive engines and expect to reach our destination momentarily. The excitement among the crew is palpable. We enter the atmosphere and achieve a perfect, soft landing atop a large promontory. Eureka! Our new home, a paradise. The sea is vast and pristine, the skies are azure blue, the air sweet with the scent of the local flora. No more wars. No more pollution. Never again will guns and bombs and disease plague us. Just as we are contemplating this glorious future, we espy a message being written in the sky by some type of primitive aircraft and in an alien tongue. 


the search is over
new start for a dying race
hell is for dreamers

Copyright © Tom Woody


Book: Shattered Sighs