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DIARY OF DIONDRA POSH: Temporary Employment

May  2051

Dear diary I think I'll try for a part
Time job which I just know beyond
Anything I'm gonna hate! So I'll work
It out um. Without a doubt. I just
Don't wanna sit at home to much!
I think I'm getting fat.  I have a dreaded
OB appointment in 2 day. The baby
Oh Walik is really really growing so
That good news. Ooh what else
Could a 30 year old ask for. And I
Didn't even get to celebrate my birthday 
Plus big plus plus. Mister Hakim
Rescheduled me! Diondra Posh! Oh
Hell!  ANYWAY according to my calendar 
I'm 3 months pregnant!  I think thar
Means the kid is due in November?
Scorpio yey! Maybe. I need A special 
Calendar to figure out the whole thing.
 Miss Posh will deal.
Can't wait to get a job any job now
And it's not that I care to actually 
Work I don't Wanna be a slave! You
Know what I'm saying diary? 

So I can't wait to meet my potential 
Employer Mister...umm well I think
There's more than one. But one name
That keeps ringing familiar is
Damian Amadeus Hakim. I think 
He rescheduled my interview for
The middle of June oh I'll die from
Heat some type of Fahrenheit injury
And whuuu?! The SWEAT?!  can you

Bye diary next entry next time!
Diondra Posh! Walik moved ohmy

May  7,  2051
Dear diary  
I went on a job hunter today I wanna
Make that the interviewer sees me
As a serious person. Hmm hihaahayay!
You know Diondra Posh diary. So I
So I will  be journeying on to a few more 
Interviews. The first interrogation 
Was for a pizza shop damn I might
Have been successful to but he
Kept watching my mid section.
Ugh I was aggravated But I didn't 
Let it show not completely sure I'll
Call to know for sure. I really do not
NOT NOT wanna work PIZZA! but....
Diary..... The pizzas at Pizza Palace 
Wasn't to severe. Might not be to
Bad there. I think I'll just accept the
Pizza Palace Place position. 
STAT diary.  Faaantassss!!! 

May 9 

Hey Diary I started my job today
At the pizza palace. It wasn't bad.
Some experience a type of lesson
I didn't think I needed. But it's OK.
So let me tell you what went on.
First the manager gave me lunch
Time at  1 o'clock. And he offered 
Me a slice of pizza?! Really sir. Manager.
I was so offended haey heay! I figured
He was being stingy. So just before
I took lunch I snuck 2 extra slices
Into my pocketbook. Uh! I was 
Afraid he would notice 2 slices missing
But he didn't.  Pepi  Saho. heh! noticed
Nothing! So I ate a good snack for
Later after a came home. But my
Bag was a mess! I panicked when 
I stole the pizzas. Next time I'll just
Buy the whole pizza pie. I think Pepi
Said I get an employees discount.
That's only 30 dollars! Is that really 
A discount?  Ioun know. 
So next diary entry.  When I have 
A chance. Under optimal circumstance.
 Well all in all in all I'm expecting
Time to fly by you know Diondra Posh
Got thongs! Diary. I can't sit still for
Long and this job I want so bad will 
Be a dream come true! I'm 
Ambition yes yes yes! Granted all my
Creditials. These eventuals.  Heah
Heah heah!  I laugh! But I am so ooo
Serious! I will quit the pizza business 
And work a respectable somethin'
Somethin'  can't make pizza my life
But it does taste good!  
Well next time diary my confidant.

May 11,   2051

Dear diary
It's almost 10 at night now. I had
A perfect day at the pizza place.
And Sheba drove me home. He'll 
Be the perfect family man. We will 
Visit my parents soon and Sheba's
Too. I bought my own pizza too 
And so I don't steal haha! Who me?
I would never! That last time...uumm.
I don't even think that really happened.
But maaybe Walik stole them! 
Anyway it was only two pizzas!
Two slices. My supervisor called me
To the office to tell me I was performing 
Excellently and how they'd like to
Have me permanently buuut ii had
To tell him my plans about next
Month. And how I am not staying.
Oh he was some unhappy. But he
Wished me well.  mmm am i fired.
Hope note I am becoming lazy and
Seriously unmotivated to cook. 
Because of all the pizza I eat and
Eat. iieey! And eat eat! Blah! I gained
Five pounds. So I bought the last
Pizza. Mr. Soha has been donating 
Pizzas to me. He a great supervisor.

Anyway I'll write again whenever 
Wherever when.

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Shattered Sighs