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Different strokes

(Our differences are like the pieces of a puzzle called life)

What does humanity want from life, it’s puzzling to know
Peace signs, Daisy cutters, find Jesus in the afterglow 
Seek out seventy two virgins, priming fuses to blow?
Come together in jannah, with a godlike libido

Write painstaking poetry, devoid of human ego
Kill every known disease, have a chat with a mosquito
Build a chocolate empire, watch fatty deposits grow 
Start a protein only diet, get ripped from head to toe?

View b movie stars at night, (censure) the matinee show
Have no more hangovers, enjoy life utterly blotto
Bring back prohibition, replace it with a pink benzo?
Smoke marijuana safely, vaporise tobacco

Play chess at home with the wife, or away with a bimbo
Give a hand to starving wolves, then go howl out the window 
Let a child get carried away, not by some wild dingo?
Set the bar high enough, flambé for a life of limbo 

Copyright © David Kavanagh


Book: Shattered Sighs