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The Athlete Born

We arrive suddenly into the light,
    Needy and crying for what's in store.
Then soon enough we begin to crawl,
    Only to stand before so much more.

Our bodies and brain will grow together,
    As we learn to jog before we run.
While social natures includes some others,
    Playing games mostly always for the fun.

This growth often creates to coordinate,
    New skills, such as, hand to eye.
Whereas another device may be used,
    Like a moving ball, and how to apply.

Not all of these pursuits involve others,
    Some are solitary and self-serving at best.
Where one's own body is pushed to its limits.
    Through endurance or pace that it tests.

Yet the variety is seemingly endless,
    Whether a ballistic tool is used or not.
Since from our birth we learn to manipulate,
    The course or trajectory before it is caught.

Copyright © Timothy Mattson


Book: Shattered Sighs